
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunshine Kids Craft Love Letters for TEAMFest Event!

The Esty Street Team is getting the Holiday Season well underway!  The team chose to work with Love Letters Cares and crafters all thoughout Florida are putting in to send a little love in the mail to those in need. As part of this team effort, the Paper Niche in Davie, Florida set up and allowed use of their wonderful craft room/ tables  ( and stocked with tools!)  for folks to gather together for a a loving cause.  FromBeths and "family" joined in on the fun~ Just about our entire family showed from Mom, Sister, Nieces, Friends and of course my "little crafters."  The children had such special time and put together some fantastic cards for Love Letters to share with children in need. Check out the their little Love Letters below and please contact our Team Captain Rose to send in your special cards too!

Thank you to Paper Niche
for coordinating a special event!.


  1. OK. I have recomposed myself. This is amazingly cool! you don't even know! I am so glad to hear there was a great turnout and that everyone had a good time and more importantly: look at all those cards headin off to a great cause!!!
    thank you all so much. for realz.

  2. I am very impressed and proud. Wish I could have been there.
