
Saturday, September 1, 2012

September's Em-Powering Days

If you are not familiar with Ellen Whitehurst then you should be!
Ellen Whitehurst is a Better Living Expert and is recognized as the country's premier expert in Feng Shui and other empowering modalities.
If you would like to know more about Ellen Whitehurst, you can subscribe to or read her website.
And as part of this month activities, we would like to share our picks from the Florida Etsy Street Team to help your Shuistrology for this month.

SEPTEMBER 1 ………   Mercury the Messenger is opposing nebulous, foggy and cloudy thinking Neptune so then a perfect day to spend inside your own imagination!  Dream.  Create.  Wish.  Up there in your head.  You will have time enough in a week or so to take these dreams, wishes and creations out into the real world.  Today is NOT that day.  Today IS however a day to try something out of the ordinary.  Taking a different route to work.  Drinking tea instead of morning coffee.  Switching up dinner with breakfast.  Any or every time you do something outside your regular routine you activate your imagination.  Or you could climb over the footboard to get yourself out of bed.  That’s considered REALLY good luck.  Imagination, wishing, creating - - now there’s a day I dream about!

Quilted TEA-TIME MugRug - Approx 9 x 10 inches square

SEPTEMBER 2 ………   Venus squaring off against pissy Saturn could cause the family and friends to need you a whole lot more than the partner.  But, unfortunately, the partner doesn’t know that you can’t be in fifteen places at one time.  Give yourself a time out.  Take a balance bath.  From the peels of nine oranges get nine quarter-sized and rounded pieces of the peels.  You can do whatever you wish with the rest of the oranges.  Let the 9 pieces of peels soak in a tepid bath for at least twenty minutes.  When ready to soak, fill the tub with water to your temperature liking and stay in the bath for twenty minutes at least.  When you pull that plug KNOW that negativity and whining should all now do down the drain and that you’ll now be back to your brilliant and beautiful self.

Lavender Sweet Orange Soap - Salt Soap - Vegan Soap - Essential Oil Soap

SEPTEMBER  3 ………   Entrepreneurial Mars is making hay with powerful purpose driven Pluto.  Hmmmm.  Interesting.  And a practically perfect day to devis a plan to improve your financial situation, boost your bank account and/or increase your income.  Any or all of those efforts taken today will eventually pay off in a big BIG way.  Put an image of flowing water (including abundant white foam and open, expansive views) anywhere immediately INSIDE the front entryway door.  You can leave it there for 27 days or until waves and waves of opportunities improve your finances, boost your bank account and increase your income.  Word.

Beach Photography - Seashore - Sky Photography - Fine Art Photography

SEPTEMBER 4 ………   Ohhhh, this one’s a keeper!  Mercury the Messenger is making all nicey nice with the planet that influences your personal power, Pluto!  What a great day to embrace engaging and optimistic inspirations and ideas and then to share them with the ‘powers’ that be.  Those is authority will be all ears AND all support today.  Take advantage.  Schedule an interview, presentation or you could even connect with some intentional networking as well.  Either way this day is HOT so don’t forget to light those nine red candles in the ‘FAME’ area of your home and/or office.  Light them and declare your intention aloud.  Then blow them all out and BURN BABY BURN!

Macintosh Apple Scented Soy Tea Light Candles, 6 pack

SEPTEMBER 5 ………   Mercury the Messenger is SEXtiling aggressive and entrepreneurial Mars.  See yesterday’s device and stay lit!

Birthday Cupcake and Strawberry Oil Painting 

SEPTEMBER 12 ………   DING!  DING!  DING!!!  SUPER STELLAR DAY!  Now, you know you can’t get access to this info anywhere BUT inside my free monthly newsletter so get on over to and sign up!  You simply won’t want to miss this month’s info, in fact, I can guarantee you’re going to LOVE (!!!!!) it!  Really and truly LOVE it!

Art Journal . Sketch Pad . Drawing Notebook . Rustic Earth Tone

SEPTEMBER 18 ………   Uh oh.  Are you listening to me here?  UH OH.  Stay on the down low because there just won’t be any up high.  Nope, nope, nothing heading up or getting high at all.  Unless, well……Although Pluto has been retrograding for what seems like forever and although that power planet turns direct today, well, that news is being waaaaay overshadowed by a SHOCKING Uranus squaring off against Pluto and all that power.  Shit surge.  And mark my words, something happens on a societal and/or global scale to shake things up during these shaky days.  You need to stay grounded, steer clear of the drama and breathe!  Standing with arms outstretched, palms facing slightly up and feet planted firmly on the ground, breathe in through the mouth.  Fill the belly and then blow out through the mouth like you’re whistling.  Twenty seconds after each exhale:  “Universal Life Force energy flows through me now.  I feel it.”  Wait twenty seconds and repeat.  Four rounds should get you good and grounded.  You’ll thank me later.

Shoes not Required Bare feet in water lake beach sand ocean Foot Prints 11x14 Artwork Photography Print Black and White

SEPTEMBER 20 ………   Mercury opposing Uranus.  Mercury square Pluto.  Mercury needs therapy  and should leave the rest of us alone.  But until Mercury scores some Zanax and chills you might want to have lots of green all around you.  Healing, stress-relieving green.  Sleep on green sheets.  Water your green plants.  Show them some love and inhale their color with our eyes.  For today, the wearin’ of the green just might mean the difference between being lucky and being loco.  Choose luck.

Olive Jade Mala

SEPTEMBER 26 ………Previously rampaging and pissy Mercury (now in treatment) trines generous, expansive and jubilant Jupiter.  That’s better.  Oh and Mercury’s trine the moon too.  Finally a day to intentionally align with accord and cooperate with compassion.  Don’t get too too comfortable though as this is the port in the pending storm.  That’s right – the worst of this wave is yet to come.  So all the more reason to take today’s energies to heart and take a break.  Read haiku.  That’s right.  See, traditional haiku writings/poems contain three lines and exactly 17 syllables.  The first and last lines deal with stable and secure conditions while the middle one interrupts with a changing image of some sort.  It’s not the meat but the motion since the rhythm of the haiku is said to have the ability to instill serenity as well as to calm and relax.  A perfect poem for today.

Handmade Copper Shawl Pin - Heart

SEPTEMBER 28/29 ……….   Okay, are you ready?  The Sun is really hot under the collar and so is opposing surprising (and surprised!)O Uranus while also being searing mad at Pluto during these dark days too.  The to top it off the aggressive Aries Full Moon on the second of these two tense days just caps off the volatility, drama, anxiety and angst.  Keep a bottle of Bach Rescue Remedy handy.  Accent on that second word of that life-saving flower essence.  Four drops under the tongue, four times a day.  Washed down by Rhodiola and magnesium.  That should do it.  That should DO YOU!

Solid Sterling Silver Sun Earrings


  1. Great now to get ready for those waves of goodness ;~D Have an awesome month everyone

  2. Great article and thanks for including my mug rug!
