
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August Em- Powering Days

If you are not familiar with Ellen Whitehurst then you should be!
Ellen Whitehurst is a Better Living Expert and is recognized as the country's premier expert in Feng Shui and other empowering modalities.
If you would like to know more about Ellen Whitehurst, you can subscribe to or read her website.
And as part of this month activities, we would like to share our picks from the Florida Etsy Street Team to help your Shuistrology for this month.

AUGUST 1 ………   Brilliant Full Moon in visionary Aquarius tonight while the Sun sextiles generous, joyful and expansive Jupiter all the wonderful day!  Inspiration empowers and entertains at the same time.  Hey!  Sounds like my brand!  As Van would say “it’s a marvelous night for a moon dance” and I say it’s a fantabulous one for uncorking your creativity too!  Speaking of Morrison and moon dancing - - locate the ‘Creativity’ area of your main floor or even in your bedroom (center or middle of right hand wall) and play some jams there that will have you up and dancing in the dark or under the moon shine or, well, whatever.  Leave music playing in this space for at least three consecutive hours in order to activate every inspiration, idea and creative advantage these astro energies have in store and soon you’ll not only be shaking your booty but making a pirate’s one from taking those same ideas out into the big, wide world!

Fisher Price Record Player . Retro Child's Record Player

AUGUST 7 ………   Loving Venus enters homebody and security conscious Cancer.  Do something special around the house today (replace burnt out bulbs, fix leaks, clean out the kitchen cabinets etc., etc) because, well, after all, there is NO place like home.  Especially if you make it a lucky one.  And you can do that same thing by putting a red plant to the left of the front door (looking at the door.)  This causes opportunity to come calling.  And it knocks three times too!  Answer it, okay?

Red Spider Zinnia Flower Seeds

AUGUST 8 ………   Mercury the Messenger moving direct today and apparently has quite a bit stored up to say - - that planet telling all of us that the next few days being a brand new cycle of optimism, idealism, recognition, rewards and positive results.  Ring a brass bell nine times in the ‘FAME’ area and then watch as you are offered the proverbial and prosperous brass one - - ring that is

Liberty Bell Landmark Bead Sterling Silver LM023

AUGUST 9 ………   Loving, lovely, sexy sizzling Venus is trine to nebulous Neptune.  Make the effort to get out and about today/tonight because the connections you can make during this magical time could prove absolutely invaluable in the not too far future.  To make sure that happens, whoever new you run in today, get a business card, or, at very least, write their name on a piece of paper and keep it in a glass or crystal bowl positioned in the ‘HELPFUL PEOPLE’ arena.  Helpful person indeed

Teal Stained Glass Business Card Holder with Clear Beveled Beads

AUGUST 14 ………   If there were a polar opposite to the creamy goodness of the Super Stellar Day, today would be it.  The energies today represent the antithesis of inspiration and the Bane of motivation.  While I’m at it, tomorrow sucks too.  With Venus opposing powerful Pluto you can reach for the chocolate or the Rhodiola, the vodka or even the stars, but the one thing you DO NOT want to be reaching for is your wallet!   DON’T EVEN SHELL OUT FOR SOMETHING THAT COSTS PEANUTS!  It won’t be worth it.  Mars is conjunct stinkeye Saturn as well making finding headway hard so practice patience and put some yellow flowers in the center of your living space. Mellow.  Yellow.  Enough said.

Personalized HERSHEY'S NUGGETS  Chocolates

AUGUST 15 ………   Venus squaring off against Uranus.  See yesterday’s insights - - deja doo doo all over again.  Not for too much longer though, nope, not for too too much longer.

Apron Mans, Mr. Money Bags, It's All About The Benjamins, BBQ Grill Fun Kitchen Unique Gift

AUGUST 17 ………   Oh bless you New Moon in Leo.  OH THANK YOU NEW MOON IN LEO!  And bless you Sun sextiling Saturn in harmonious Libra!  In fact this is the closest runner up to Super Stellar that we have this month.  A big ole shift from the last few days and a red carpet invite to experience fabulous new beginnings.  Soak a clear quartz crystal in salted water for at least three hours, rinse and hang it in any window that the sun shines through.  Activate opportunities, inspiration and a new attitude.  And also know that you could luck into some fortune today too.  If it’s money you want, hang the crystal in a kitchen or dining room window.  If it’s love, hang it in the bedroom window and if it’s health, hang it in the living room.  Sounds pretty lucky to me!

Crystal Quartz Necklace - Crystal Quartz and 14kt Gold Filled Necklace by Luv Laugh Sparkle

AUGUST 18 ………   Mercury the Messenger is trine electric Uranus - - BREAKTHROUGHS (not breakdowns baby!)  Knock 9 times on the outside of your front door and then open it to Health, Happiness and Prosperity; the Three Great Blessings in Feng Shui.  Me likey!

Peace Love Happiness Wood Sign

AUGUST 20 ………   Sun sextiles Mars in Leo/Libra.  If you’ve been working on - - or even just thinking about - - a project or a plan today would be the perfect time to bring a partner in/on so you can BOTH align your energies with success.  Be sure to put another ‘partner’ - - an image of the MYSTIC KNOT - - in the ‘RELATIONSHIP’ area of your living room or even in that same space of your office (or better yet - - both!) and get solidly behind the 8 ball.  You DO know that 8 means money right?  So will a new partner for your plans

Round Celtic Knot Pendant Black Cord Necklace

AUGUST 22 ………   SUPER STELLAR DAY!  SUPER DUPER DUPER STELLAR DAY!  Now you know that’s about all I’m going to tell you here right?  If you want to know how to make this day work for you so you won’t have to work at all, well, you’ll only get that info if you are a subscriber to my free monthly newsletter.  Sign up here: and be among the empowered (and enlightened!) elite!

Abstract Painting on 8x10 Canvas

AUGUST 24 ………   Sun opposing Neptune.  There’s tension.  And more tension.   Diffuse it by smiling.  That’s right, just smile.  Brighten the room.  Lift your spirits and everyone else’s mood.  Improve your appearance.  And diffuse the tension. Burning lavender incense or diffusing that same scent essential oil can also diffuse the tension too. Smile and smell. All better now

 Smiling Spaniel with a Crown Original Painting

AUGUST 25 ………   A magical Mars is trine a frisky flirtatious Neptune.  Best date night of the whole month.  Romance abounds and ardent amour abounds.  Today’s insights on how to be the belle of tonight’s ball will be posted on the fb fan page - -

Velvet Wine Bag Valentine S.W.A.K. Red Unisex Custom Embellished Embossed by Velvet manna for Etsy

AUGUST 29………   Sun harmoniously trines powerful Pluto.  Mercury the Messenger sexing up Saturn too.  Business talks and ideas will be super supported and go really, REALLY well!  Colleagues, partners and collaborators all have your success in their sights and teamwork takes the cake!  YUM.  A delicious day for professionals.  Now, if you want to make it a miraculous one then go ahead and hold the hem of your garment with your left hand and recite the following mantra 21 times.  And then don’t say I never gave you anything because this secret Taoist mantra that promises to make your words incredibly influential and important among multitudes of men is worth it’s weight in gold.  Ready to go all Midas are you?  “NAMO BHAGAVATE USNISAYA DHARE DHARANTIYE SVAHA.”  21 times.  Holding the hem of your garment with your left hand.  Worth it’s weight

Skull Light Bulb Super Moon original aceo hand drawn ink illustration

AUGUST 31 ………   Second FULL MOON of the month also called a ‘Blue Moon’ or a ‘Wishing Moon’ as well.  Speaking of Wishing Well, you might want to check out my brand new webinar of that same name.  A cheat sheet for making wishes come true.  Full of tips and techniques to make your dreams come true.  Another way would be to wish on tonight’s magical moon.  I wish I may, I wish I might, support the wish you wish tonight!

By the Light of the Blue Moon With Wolf Painting


  1. Wonderful and enjoyed looking at everyone's work too. Have a great August

  2. Putting my crystals out on the Blue Moon! Thanks for the feature with the Liberty Bell!
