
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

In My Corner with Unique Nique

I have had a lot of fun writing these article and getting to know some of our team members in the process. But I must amit that all these last articles have made me so jealous when it comes to having a whole room to only clean up when you decide to do something crazy like be in a blog post about craft spaces. That being said it would not be in my best interest right now to take over my 3 year or 1 year olds rooms either. I am planning to close-in a back porch and create a room in perhaps 15 years. Sigh 15 years isn't that long, right?

So today we get a glimpse into Unique Nique’s craft space. 

Monique has two main areas she works out of. The first is the garage where her kilns, glass storage, mold storage, grinder and glass saw are .

The other is a room in her home which she converted into a studio. I love the aqua color she chose her walls and all the natural light. 

Monique makes beautiful jewelry out of art glass, dichroic, copper wire, sterling wire, crystals and beads of many kinds and her craft room has a lot of her items she uses and lots of storage containers for those items.

 But she can not live with out her Dremel tool “ Oh boy it is one of my truly favorite things, I cut, polish, engrave, make holes, make curves all with the one tool it is wonderful,” she told me. 

I loved seeing some of her finished products on little displays near her desk in the picture below. 

In one way or another she has spent her whole life re-purposing things or making something out of whatever is to hand - She grew up in a big family and there was no choice but to think outside the box if she wanted or needed anything she had to use what she had. She has always made things but she only got into glass in her 30's. She loves the colors; the vibrancy and the way you can make the shapes speak to you whether it is with your glass cutter or with the heat from a torch or kiln. Her telling me these things was inspiring and made me think of how crafters really truly love what they do.  Even if it isn’t the most profitable job we could have.    

Other then working with glass; wire crochet with seed beads and swarovskis crystal is her favorite medium to work with.  She stated, “It is an incredible feeling when the wire seems to take on its own intricate pattern it is almost like the beads and wire decide on their own how they would like to blend.”  I think a lot of us feel that same way about our favorite medium.  I am sometimes amazed at how cute my daughter looks in some of my clothing because of fabric choices and pattern alterations. 

Now when she told me her storage tip I thought man this is a woman who could become my best friend.  Her tip…  “Plastic ice cream containers - they stack easily and they are perfect for my little tubes of seed beads, they also store mosaic pieces well as the lids fit tight but are still easy to open, and believe me tight fitting lids are what you want when it comes to small pieces of glass and all those seed beads. I don't know anyone who likes to play thousand piece pickup.”  By the way I have done that. I use seed beads in some of my smocking and when they get away I end up spending more time picking them up then sewing.   

So now we all have a great excuse to buy that gallon plastic tube of ice cream and eat it quickly so we can use it for storage.   Any excuse is a good one right?   

Inspired by people, nature, movement and shapes, math, actually pretty much anything was truly shown in this picture of some of her work in the window.  I thought it was neat that she said she sleeps with a notepad next to her bed and often wake up with a scribble or two and sometimes even a decipherable picture.

I felt Unique Nique inspired and reminded me why I do what I do and why I love it.  Thank you, Monique, for sharing your space as well as your love for your craft.




  1. Wonderful post, I love seeing and hearing about everyone's diifferent ideas and favorites.

    1. Thank you - I must admit I was quite jealous when I saw your setup too ;~D

  2. This is always my favorite section! Your space is so bright and sunny :

    1. Thank you I love to work there it is almost like the glass comes alive with all the light.

  3. Wonderful read, love seeing others spaces!

  4. LOVE the ice cream tub suggestions! (I always need more excuses to buy ice cream.)
    Your studio inspires me to try to be more organized with my space!

    1. Any excuse to buy ice-cream and more seed beads or glass ;~D

  5. Thank you for the lovely article - sometimes it is great to see my space through other peoples eyes as I keep thinking I need to tidy but then get lost in finding all sorts of things that I may have put to the side and now they inspire me again and then I create a mess again so tidying becomes a little pointless ;~D

  6. What a great space to work and play!!

  7. I love her work space, she makes beautiful items.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you - did you notice your postcards stuck up on my Freezer/bulletin board (everything has to have at least two uses) ;~D

  8. Just brilliant. So happy to see Nique´s place :)

    1. Thank you Macky - did you notice your amazing pictures next to my sewing table?

  9. Wonderful to see where Nique makes her beautiful items

  10. Love it!! That aqua on the walls is wonderful.

    1. Thank you - it is one of my favourite colours and it makes me happy ;~D

  11. A great article for a fabulous lady Monique !! I enjoyed seeing your space . Fun way to get to know the artist behind the art.

  12. Love the post. You have such wonderful workspaces Nique.

  13. very wonder Nique makes such lovely things, she does not have to spend hours searching under piles of rubble
