
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hello Again!

It has been a while since I did a guest post here on the FEST team blog. For those of you who do not know me, I am Melissa. I will be guest posting on the third Thursday of each month. As you can see, I am late. I loathe being late, so I will try harder next month. I live in Trenton, FL, homeschool my two beautiful children, am a part time nurse, gemstone collector, jewelry maker, and I am learning to paint. Are there any painters here? I am sure there is. I am having a ball learning to paint, and would someday love to be able to paint on jewelry. That is my goal. My mom is our painting teacher, and we do it for homeschool art. That way everyone gets to have fun. The Donna Dewberry method is supposed to be the easiest method to learn. I still not convinced of that, lol! I am obsessed with learning to make the perfect rose.

I have been working on different ways of advertising my store and blogs. I love Pinterest, and have been pinning Team FEST items for some time now. I try to do it everyday, but sometimes I just don't get it done. If you have Pinterest, you can follow my Etsy board, and if you share your link I will follow yours. If you don't have Pinterest, I highly recommend it. It is really nice for not only sharing things you love, but for storing and cataloging sites and products you might want in the future. It saves space on your computer if you want to share pictures as well.

As far as sales, how has everyone been doing in this very slow economy? I did have two sales so far this month, but I average about one a month. I have lots of stuff to list, just need to get time to do it. Is anyone using FB as a way of selling your items? What I mean is do you list your stuff straight out on FB and let buyers purchase from there? I know some people who do this, but I am leary of it. If you do, have you had success, and what about issues of non payment, or things like that?

I guess I have blabbed enough for one post. Please take a minute and share one of your sites or pages that you would like to promote. I will do a blog post on my Gemstone and Jewelry blog in a few days, highlighting each link shared. Have a great weekend, and happy crafting.


  1. Hello there! Following your Pinterest Board.
    I love Pinterest and try to pin often but sometimes life gets a little busy.
    Have fun painting!

  2. Hello Melissa, I love Pinterest mainly as an escape and to ooh and aah over the beautiful pictures everyone finds. My blog has a new post today for Mardi Gras so come check it out
