If you are not familiar with Ellen Whitehurst then you should be!
Ellen Whitehurst is a Better Living Expert and is recognized as the country’s premier expert in Feng Shui and other empowering modalities.
If you would like to know more about Ellen Whitehurst, you can subscribe to or read her website .
And as part of this month activities, we would like to share our picks from the Florida Etsy Street Team to help your Shuistrology for this month!
JANUARY 1 - Mercury squaring off against Mars makes for a whole lot of aggressive energy out and about on this day. Steer clear. Literally. Stay off the road even for that one rad rager. If you must drive, do it defensively and with a clear quartz crystal as your co-pilot.
JANUARY 6 - On the Feast of the Epiphany let’s encourage the Universe to gift you with one as well. In keeping with the zeitgeist of this holyday burn some frankincense incense and tune in to that still small voice within. Forget the myrhh, the inspirations and ideas that come to you now will be golden. Your silence, however, won’t be. Write them down, paint them, create them in some tangible way and then take them out into the world. Recognition and rewards are yours. Oh baby, take your talents on the road and your gifts will be applauded and appreciated!
JANUARY 7 - Mercury the Messenger whispering sexy somethings to foggy Neptune but Neptune can’t seem to get a grip. With Mercury entering practical Capricorn today too you might be finding it hard to stay grounded too. Play middle C and high C in harmonic convergence/together at the same time on any musical instrument. Known in sacred music circles as activating ‘Thy Rod and Thy Staff’ this secret sacred sound will activate meridians both back and front and give you the grounding you need.
JANUARY 8 - Busy, busy, busy Mercury trines generous and joyful Jupiter while squaring off against impulsive and unpredictable Uranus. This is an alchemical day filled with pure magic and bliss. Don’t believe me? Just start it by saying (nine times aloud) … “I look with wonder at that which is before me.” Yes, yes, a wonder-full day indeed!
JANUARY 9 - Sensitive, emotional Full Moon rises in security conscious Cancer. Tender. Vulnerable even. Feeling mushy, gushy and good. You love everyone and everyone loves you. Each time you eat or drink anything today imagine that you are swallowing LOVE. Breathe LOVE. Consciously take a moment and breathe in LOVE. Smile. Share love. Show love. XOXO
JANUARY 12 - SUPER STELLAR DAY! First of the New Year! YAY!!! SUPER AND STELLAR AND BRAND SPANKING NEW! YAY! You know what to do – click on the link in the free monthly newsletter because that’s the ONLY way you can have access to this life-altering info! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE NOT A SUBSCRIBER? Hop right on over and subscribe to
Ellen Whitehurst Website!
JANUARY 13 - Venus conjunct Neptune and romance my friends is in the air. Want to bring it into your bedroom? Red sheets!
JANUARY 14 - Venus entering Pisces while SEX-tiling a jubilant Jupiter. All that romance that was burning up the charts yesterday returns with a renewed heat quotient today! Speaking of amped up hotness – burn two pink candles in the ‘ROMANCE’ sector of your bedroom. The room with the bed with the red sheets. Let the candles burn all the way down. You, my friend, will be burning UP!
JANUARY 19 - Uh oh. Sun squares Saturn. Uh oh. Stay on the straight and narrow and invoke (three times!) Archangel Jabriel to clear your path, light your way, make it easy every day. Can I get an ‘AMEN?’
JANUARY 20 - Sun enters Aquarius and Venus SEX-tiles Pluto and love just makes the world go round. Speaking of round, there might be a ring in your future if you are looking for commitment. Put the DOUBLE HAPPINESS symbol above the headboard of your bed and sleep tight. Soon enough you’ll be sleeping for two!
JANUARY 23 - New Moon in Aquarius! Lunar Chinese New Year! Mars goes retrograde! Don’t start anything new unless it’s putting an image of a water dragon next to a moving water fountain in the power corner of your living room. That’s the corner that’s diagonal or catty corner to the front door. A fountain. A dragon. A lamp or light. GUNG HEI FAT CHOY!
JANUARY 28 - Mercury sextile electric Uranus. And it all starts NOW. Expect the unexpected in every possible way but prepare for some positive programming as well. Good communications are all over the place. Tweet! Text! Email. Just reach out to someone. And don’t forget to surround your responses/replies with a pink light sent straight from your heart. You’ll infuse the nuance with so much more than just joie de vivre. Expect the unexpected with some surprising communiqué that has money attached. Ooops, hope I didn’t ruin the surprise!