
Thursday, December 15, 2011

2011 Holiday Count Down # 15

Count down to 2012 - Our gift from FEST to you!

#15 ~ TODAY'S Tutorial By AquarianBath where you will find only the finest selection of soaps and natural herb products!
Today Cory shares: Easy Do It Your Self Soap Mold Making

Take apart wooden soap molds are great for making the perfectly shaped soaps, but they can be quite expensive. For 10 dollars or less you can make a soap mold yourself which is suitable for making professional quality soaps.

Here is what you will need to make a mold that will make 14-15 4.5 oz bar soaps to fit into standard soap boxes:

Rotary saw
Power drill
1 natural board 3.5 inch wide X 1.5 inch thick X 27.5 inches or longer
1 natural board 5.5 inch wide X 1.5 inch thick X 35 inches or longer
2 six inch bolts with 1/4 inch diameter. The tip of the the bolt should be threaded at least an inch.
1/4 inch drill bit
4 1/4 inch washers
2 1/4 inch wing nuts

The first board forms the base of the mold and ends of the loaf. Measure and mark a length of the board 17.5 inches and 2 lengths 4.5 inches. The second board forms the sides of the mold. Measure and mark two lengths of the board to 17.5 inches. Cut and sand the rough edges of the boards. Next you will need to drill holes for the bolts that hold the mold together. Two bolt holes need to be made in two corners of the each board. Stack the 2 matching 17.5 inch boards on top of each other. Near one corner of the top board measure inward from the long side of the approximately 2 inches then measure from the short end 1 inch out. Mark this spot with a dot. Make a dot on the opposite end of the long side of the board. Drill the through these markings keeping both boards stacked securely together. Sand around the newly drilled holes. Next thread your bolt and washers and wing nut through the two boards. You are ready to assemble the mold. The narrow long board goes at the bottom in between the bolted side boards that secure it. The 2 short end boards stand up in between the sides of the board and are secured by the bolt which sits behind it. Be sure to line your soap with wax paper before use.

Cory Trusty is a community herbalist and Soap maker in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Visit her one Etsy at AquarianBath or DelicateAdornments. You can also find her on Facebook.

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