
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Greetings From On Board The SS Tesla 09/06/11

Hello Team FESTers!

It has been a long time since I last posted and I do apologize, but Grad School and life has gotten in the way but I do have something exciting to share with my fellow Team FESTers in the Southern Florida area!

The 1st Annual ArboledaFest! The date for this event is November 12th and they are looking for vendors! This one promises to be one of the biggest Craft Shows in Miami, so if you're near the Broward/Dade area, you won't want to miss this event! The Vendor Application is here:

As always the monthly Art Nouveau Event Shows as well! Here is the ANE Website.
Contact Person: Teresa Korber:

Here are some upcoming art shows in which I will be making an appearance at as a vendor if you would like to say hello to the Captain (and even get a tarot reading while you're at it too): -Sept. 11th - The Funk Fashion, Fashion, Arts, Hors D'oeuvres,Trunk Sales, School Drive for Haiti - Sept. 17th 

That will be all for now. Unfortunately my posts will be less than they used to due to Graduate School taking up my time but I will post here at least once or twice a month. If any of you know of any other events for other Team FESTers to sign up for, feel free to add these events in the comments section!

Good Luck and Godspeed,

Capt. Maricruz

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