
Monday, May 23, 2011

RENEW, ReNeW, renew

Good Morning Team Fest!!

It has been a busy month for me at EverythingBlooms, but busy is always a good thing! My shop is still a baby (under a year old), so as you can imagine I am always looking for creative ways to get exposure without breaking my budget.

Searching around blogs, etsy, internet I found the greatest advice I could have found - "JUST RENEW"! That's right - want to get your products seen and be on top of the Etsy search pages - JUST RENEW. It only cost $.20 cents to relist your items and the best part is - they won't get lost in the crows.

I've been relisting my products once a month to test and when I do relist - I almost always get a sale! I think I may be moving my RENEWs to maybe one a week. Some tips:

  • If you don't have many items in your shops - RENEW them all! Why not?

  • If you have many items - pick your best sellers and also try to pick some that don't get much attention and maybe they will!

  • Check your order history - try to see if there are any similarities in the day you get sales - meaning - see what day most of your orders came from - maybe that's the day you should RENEW your items.

So, what are you waiting for? Time to RENEW those items!!


1 comment:

  1. This is a great way to get your items "out there" ~ and it's one piece of advice that I've tried to follow. Thanks for the post!
