
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Interview with March Monthly Challenge Winner

Meet Mandy of TwinkleJewels85

Who are you?
Hello all! My name is Mandy Kuhlmann and I just moved to Florida with my husband who recently got out of the Army and has decided to pursue and aviation degree at Embry Riddle.

What do you create?
I create handcrafted jewelry of all types, mostly focusing on sea glass and wire wrapping at the moment

How did you come about your Etsy store name?
I came about the shop name Turquoise Sun because I have always loved that particular stone and Native American jewelry in general

Where does your inspiration come from?
I get my inspiration from trying to tap into something different, something that not everyone else is doing ...after all isn't that what its all about..

How would you describe your creative process?
I would describe my creative process by saying I usually start off with a general idea of where I want to go or a particular color I want to work with and go from there

                                                                             When did you know you were and artist?
I have always been an artist I started drawing and painting when i was young, I have recently decided to more toward getting an art degree and making this a huge part of the rest of my life

What does handmade mean to you?
Handmade to me means creating something original using your own imagination

What is your favorite material to work with?
I really enjoy working with clay and I think that will be my next material I will start working with

What is your life outside of Etsy?
I work full time at Florida hospital Flagler in the Health Information department analyzing and scanning can see why I want to get away :)

What do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
I enjoy window shopping a little bit of everything...glasswork , photography, and lots of other things :)

What other interests do you have?
I have lots of other interest metaphysics, all things art, I enjoy going and entering car shows with my husband, and relaxing on the beach

Where do you live in Florida?
Palm Coast, FL

Could you recommend a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy?
Everyone in Florida needs to visit St. Augustine at some point in time, it is an artist dream town! Lots of vendors and things to see directly related to art

How do you get out of your creative ruts?
I get out of my creative ruts my visiting art shows and getting away to a place where I can just be silent ...once I have cleared my mind I can be creative again.

Where would you like to be in ten years?
I would like to be finished with school, enjoying a full time career selling my art, vacationing as much as possible and just enjoying life.

If you could peek inside the studio of any artist, designer or craftsman (dead or alive), who would it be?
Wow this is a tough call to just pick one... I can think of so many talented men and women that are not with us anymore, but I would honestly love to sit down with my father in law so he could teach me his wonderful woodworking skills

What handmade possession do you most cherish?
I think I cherish most of my drawings from when I was younger and some of my clayworks

Where would you go if you had a time machine and why?
I would go back to the Victorian Era without a doubt ...lots of wonderful art coming out of that era!


  1. What a nice read and Mandy's such an awesome artisan and great gal! Enjoyed very much and Congrats to you Mandy!!

    All My Best!

  2. A great interview and it was nice getting to know you, Mandy :D

  3. Great interview Mandy! Your jewelry is beautiful!!

  4. A very nice interview. She creates beautiful jewelrys. Keep up the good work.
