
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Captain Maricruz's How-To and Tips For Working With Vintage and New Watch Pieces

Hello Fellow Team FESTers!

This will be a short post this week as I am will be catching up on a few things on board the Tesla. As such I am going to post a simple how-to for those of you are interested in working with vintage watch pieces and watch parts.

A few things to remember and to consider:

  • Certain watch pieces are going to be antique and vintage. As with any and all crafting items, please treat them with love and care.
  • If they are slightly grimy or dirty and are a bit on the cleanliness side of things, use a specialty watch cleaner that will be gentle on the pieces so that it doesn't break.
  • Make sure that the pieces that you will not use for your project are stored away safely in a proper container so that you won't lose them or break apart.
Now that is all said and done, when working with watch pieces, remember to have some tweezers handy so that you pick up the pieces and know where you would like to place them. The trick is you have to know what you will use some of your pieces for. Are the pieces going to be used for a necklace, a bracelet, earrings, a ring, or any other crafting use? 

The best thing to do is to map out what project you are going to do concerning these pieces. Chances are you may not enough for what you have planned, that's why there is always a plan B...or maybe C, D, or E.

Once you have figured out what you are going to do with your watch pieces, go ahead and add your own flair  and aesthetic to them! That's part of the fun of working with watch pieces isn't it?

I shall sign off my computer and dock my Tesla for the night. I will sign off and leave a tutorial video for my fellow FESTers!

Goodnight and Godspeed!
Captain Maricruz

Polymer Clay Tutorial Colored Pencil and Artist Palette Set Tutorial brought to you by Kriquit:

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