
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Interview with Gypsy Blue Designs

Meet Cheri of  Gypsy Blue Designs:

Who are you?
Hey! My name is Cheri and I am the creative (or crazy) mind behind Gypsy Blue. I have a recently acquired degree in Interior Design with a focus on Historic Preservation, which, sadly, I only use for myself and a few close friends/family. I would consider myself a Southern girl with a very short attention span and an extreme love of travel, design and history.

What do you create?
Gypsy Blue is my little line of handmade one of a kind purses, totes and handbags, some handpainted pillows and occasionally a fabric based Gypsy Chandelier. Basically, “Adventures in Textiles”! I try to use as many upcycled fabrics as possible along with what I call salvaged samples (small cuts of textile remnants and samples that normally would be thrown away from textile companies & designers) and then mix in a few purposely bought fabrics to mix it all up.

How did you come about your store name?
Gypsy Blue is all about me….. Gypsy because I move around frequently with my little caravan of four legged, drooling, barking, furry children. Blue is from my love of Blue water and never being too far away from it. And there you have Gypsy Blue!

What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?
Silly, but a really great pair of super sharp scissors and a stitch ripper (for when I change my mind).

What is your life like outside of Etsy? (family, work, other hobbies)
Life outside of Etsy is about to change drastically. By the end of November, I will be self employed for the first time! I gave my notice the beginning of the month and I am now going "all out" to make Gypsy Blue work. I have Art & Craft shows planned every weekend for the next 4 months or so, and I will be increasing my Etsy and online presence with all of my free time (insert giggle here). Lucky for me, I am single without kids (except my four legged ones) so I don’t have to worry about providing for anyone other than myself right now. But still, keep your fingers crossed for me please!

What do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
I love to window shop for beachy jewelry, I love a great painting and sometimes browsing vintage clothing (I love the 60’s & 70’s stuff right now). I also love to see what makes it to the front page, it keeps me inspired!

What other interests do you have?
Outside of Gypsy Blue, I have a passion for numerous random foods, sports, activities, which are listed below in no particular order…..

Cheese (it makes everything taste better), really good buttery Popcorn, Music, NASCAR, Football, History, Travel, enjoying a great bottle of Wine, putting the top down & road tripping on a warm sunny day and Flip Flops!

What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?
Right now I have a website (which needs some loving attention from me) and a Facebook page (which also feels neglected) which will soon be updated/upgraded with my new found freedom!

What animal would you like to be for one day and why?
An animal for a day…… tough one. Either a Pelican, a Dolphin or a Wild Horse. All of them have a gracefulness, beauty and freedom that I long for (maybe in my next life?).

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
For me, it’s not crazy, but if I get a whim to pick up and move to a new town/city/state, I usually just do it. I just love to go and see and experience new things & places, and I tend to dive in headfirst. I think all totaled I have lived in 7 different states and moved about 17 times.

If you were a dessert what would it be?
Easy! Homemade chocolate chunk bread pudding with a bourbon cream sauce and pecans! (Oh wait, the question was what dessert I would be, not what I want to eat???)


  1. Hi Cheri,
    I love your purses, they are really adorable and special. I wish you lots of luck in your new position as a Self Employed Artist! Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Great interview! Awesome handbags!!!!

    aka AudreyGardenLady
