
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Care for Some Simply Divine Dessert?

Florida Etsy Street Team has the good fortune of having members who love to blog, so in an effort to share their posts and features we will be "reblogging" here on EtsyFEST! Our first is Chris, owner of Memories in Mosaics. Her blogspot is called "Chris' Comments" where she features her mosaics because that is her passion. She also blogs about her family and friends, vacationing, how-to's of easy home decorating, recipes and personal observations.

Chris recently interviewed Sharon who is the owner and baker behind Simply Divine Desserts  on Etsy.  She is a fellow  FEST (Florida Etsy Street Team) member and resides in Sarasota, Florida.

Here is her interview with Sharon:

Tell me a little about yourself.

I’m a brown-eyed girl, strong in mind and body, with a Christ centered spirit. I am a happy, busy, productive, strong willed, organized, unemployed, single mom. I have two grown sons, 25 and 22, who are the biggest blessings in my life (along with my new daughter-in-law!). I was a home school mom for 16 years, and they were some of the best years of my life. I’m an active member of a great church, I love music, the beach, and going to the movies.

How long have you been baking?

I’ve been baking for most of my life. I grew up loving to be in the kitchen with my mom and grandmothers, not only for the great food that was always being created, but for the warmth and comfort that it brought. My older brother started calling me “Bake” when I was 11, and for some reason the nickname stuck and to this day, I am “Bake” to my family and many old friends.

What made you decide to sell on Etsy?

I decided to try etsy after a dear friend of mine kept poking and prodding me to give it a shot. I sold books to homeschoolers on ebay for many years, so I’m used to online selling, but the thought of starting an online bake shop seemed strange to me at first. But now that I’ve made some sales and have sent my goodies to various parts of the country, I’m excited to see what the future will bring.

Read more about Sharon...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Cat, for sharing my blog post about Sharon. I just love her shop.
