
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday, and since it is my job to announce everyone else's birthdays... I'm also announcing my own. My name is Shelley and that is me in the middle above wearing the fun hat.  I have 2 shops on Etsy because I'm so obsessed with sewing that one just isn't enough.  Besides being part of the Fest Team, I'm also in the Hollywood Craft Mafia.  It would be a great birthday gift for me if you could take a quick peak at either (or both) of my shops.
http://kitschyaprons.com or one of my blogs, this one, this one or this one.


  1. Happy Birthday to you!! I checked out your shops. I think your Pac Man little guys are so cute.
    Cheers to you.

  2. Happy Birthday, Shelley! Just took a peek at your shops and your blogs. 3 Blogs! I can't even keep up with one! :) Love your stuff ~ I need to put one of your aprons on my wish list!

    Georgi (aka Lu of JeniLuScraps)

  3. Happy Birthday Shelley! I checked out your Etsy sites (although I have seen your awesome aprons and cute little monsters before)and checked out your THREE! do you get anything else done?? Hope you have a wonderful day and your family spoils you rotten.
