
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Interview with Grey Puffin

Meet Shelly of Grey Puffin

Who are you?
The great and powerful Oz! Well, not really. Just a crazy zany geek with a hankering to dabble in different art projects.

What do you create?
Inexpensive jewelry. I started out Steampunk, when I hurt my hand turned to beading, and now I'm into jewelry with chains. Have I mentioned I'm eclectic? I try to make jewelry that's inexpensive, but still is nice, and wearable, and that you wouldn't be miserable if it got scratched. I love white gold, and silver, but it's outside my budget, and I realize I'm rough on my shinies. I can't be alone out there.

What was the main inspiration for your shop?
Steampunk. I fell in love with it at Necronomicon at St. Pete in '09, and when I became the head of Amtgard (a LARP, here in FL we're the Kingdom Neverwinter, ehh rhh creative naming!) it was my theme for my Reign. And then everything else was whim/what I had.

How did you come about your store name?
My favorite color (or non color) is grey, and I love puffins. Tada! Sometimes I wish I'd made the name shorter, or more generic. Most people don't know about puffins.

What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?
Pliers. I don't use them all the time, but for the most part, most of my stuff has seen the steely pliers at one point or another for something or another.
What is your favorite material to work with?
Metal, chains in particular right now. Though lately I've had fun with acrylics on wood, just for my own entertainment.

What do you enjoy most about making the things you make?
The making. I enjoy it, irregardless of sales, or anything else. If I didn't enjoy the process of making, I wouldn't do it.

What is your life like outside of Etsy?
Ahh I mentioned I did Amtgard, the LARP, right now I'm the Regent, which means I'm in charge of Arts and Sciences (the crafts, garbing, weaponmaking, etc. and education on how to do so) for the FL groups, I finally got a job doing tech support, and in my spare time, I make things for Amtgard, beat back the devil spawn known as Facebook, and read webcomics.

What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
Recently listed. I pull it up just to see what kind of neat things people have made at random times.
What do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
Anything that catches my fancy, through a FEST treasury, the recently listed, something that flagged my interest through the day...

Do you have a tip for other Etsy sellers?
Always look for ways to improve, and become a better seller. My pictures aren't the greatest, but I've come a long way, and reading tips and searching out help sites and asking for critique (always willing to take it!) have helped me get there.

Is there an online "tool" that you like to use?
Google Keyword Tool can be helpful for those SEO's

What other interests do you have?
Baking. I almost moved to school to attend a Baking and Pastry school. Curse you student loans! I also love sci-fi, and fantasy movies and books, and comedy, stand up or movies.

Where in Florida do you live?
Brandon, a suburb of Tampa. I've lived in Tampa/Brandon all my life (I'm a real cracker!). I love the diversity of the general Tampa Bay area. If there's something I want, somewhere in Tampa, there's probably a place for it.

Could you recommend a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy?
Busch Gardens? :D The beaches, a awesome artwalk on Fri/Sat nights in Gulfport nearby, Lowry Park Zoo, Tampa MOSI, the theater, shopping, etc. etc.

What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?

How has the experience of handcrafting things for people?
It's been a great experience. There are some days I make nothing, some I make 5 things. While I try and think about what someone would like, I try and make sure that I make something that *I* like too.

What famous person would you like to meet
Paula Deen. She's my mother, I swear it. I was switched at birth! She makes the most cholesterol clogging food ever, but yet, I can't rip my eyes away. Her gooey butter pumpkin cake is so scary, but so yummy.


  1. What a fun interview. I really like your pieces and I can see that you put a lot of time and care into them. Love the Paula Deen comments too!

  2. Great interview!! Loved Shelley's comments on Paula Deen too!!!!

    aka AudreyGardenLady

  3. Great interview although I must add I can only take Paula D for about 5 minutes. I'm a born and raised southern girl, but that Georgia drawl is too much for me. :)
    Nice work Shelly.

  4. lol my mom always laughs when I say Paula Deen is my other mother. They're such polar opposites in cooking. :D
