
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Handmade >>>> Challenge Yourself To Enter and WIN!

It's Challenge Time Again!

Boy do we love to share our artwork and win prizes!
Win a one month promo of your etsy mini here on our blog
and interview!

Make a new item with one of two themes:

Birthstone "Pearl"!!!


"Capture The Memories".................

and enter the JUNE Handmade Team Challenge!
Remember to mention the challenge in your shop announcement, along with being a FEST team member. Do not list the entries here. Follow the link on the right side bar,
to the JUNE Challenge thread on etsy and list your items and links there.


A newbie won last month with her mosaic mirror!

COME ON NEWBIES.....jump in and share your handmade talents!


  1. Hey! I'm a newbie to both Etsy teams and Florida. i left my craft community in Iowa and would love to connect to craftiness down here as well. How do I join? What do I need to know.
    Here's a link to my etsy shop. Sorry if this is awkward...I'm still learning. But I LOVE TO CRAFT!

  2. Just wanted to thank you for the shop promo! It was great to be in the May challenge so I hope everyone will enter for June and just have fun with it.

  3. I luv pearls! and have I said, recently, how much I luv our blog?!?

  4. This is my first entry into the monthly contest, and I hope to enter more in the future. It helps me be more creative with my work. :) Thanks for putting this together!
