
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Interview with cjBlue

Meet Constance of cjBlue
Who are you?
A Mother and Grandmother who enjoys creating!! Inspired by color! Love creating something from nothing and offering my items at a price that is affordable. I come from a large family, the oldest of 5 girls. I started sewing making elastic waist skirts at about 8 years old. The major inspiration in my life was and still is to this day My Grandmother Pearl-she was a model, an artist and a sewer, and that 1950's style homemaker. She was beautiful and so creative and helped me to appreciate those things. She has since passed on, but I try to keep her memory alive and pass on her legacy to my family and through my craft.

What do you create?
Jewelry and accessories. And will try anything. Love it all. I sit down at my craft table, look at my supplies and get inspired..usually by color...each day is different.

How did you come about your store name?
My Initials and my favorite color

What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?
My hand held drill.
What is your favorite material to work with?
Copper and Yarn

What is your life like outside of Etsy?
BUSY!! to say the least. Work in managing the office for my husband (for near 30 years) 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren!!

What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
I am a total ETSY fanatic!! I love every aspect of it!! The ability to meet Etsyians from all over the world has been a great fun.

What do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
Everything VINTAGE!

Is there an online "tool" that you like to use?
Facebook Fan Page

What other interests do you have?
Reading, Church, Writing, Creating, Philanthropy and of course my grandchildren and traveling with my family, family dinners.

Where in Florida do you live?
Naples and it is beautiful!

Could you recommend a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy?
The Beach is the Best!
What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?
Facebook Fan Page: cjBlueCompany

What was an embarrassing moment in your life?
Ha Ha....way too many to list!!
Where would you go if you had a time machine and why?
Back to the 1950's Feel a connection with that era...the clothes,the family respect that was the norm back then, the respect for authority and the least that is how I see it.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
….Again...way too many to kids could really fill several pages on this one!!

Choose a movie title to sum up your life’s story
ON GOLDEN POND...just growing old with my any movie that revolves around family and sound family values.

What famous person would you like to meet?
Angelina Jolie for her philanthropy

If you were a dessert what would it be?
Of course no question here....CHOCOLATE!!


  1. Hi CJ! I love your eye for color and it's obvious you have a lovely spirit because it shows in your designs =)

  2. Great post! Nice to get to know a fellow team member. Very Pretty designs CJ!! :)

  3. Inner-Muse and Kirsten Thank you for your words of encouragement!!
    It is very nice to hear from fellow FEST Members and to be a part of this talented group!! Thank You!

  4. Great Post Cj. I love your etsy shop and your spring BLOOM Ring, so cute! Nice to learn a bit about you!!

  5. What great fun to get to know everyone in the FEST group. Being part of such a diverse and talented crafters/artists is so inspiring.

    Thank you FashionTouch and Glassymom

  6. Nice to meet you CJ ! I love the vibrance in your creations! Always good to make people smile :)


  7. What a talented family you have -- I know your sister, Tammie, who posted a link to this blog on her facebook page. I am an etsy fanatic too! Congratulations on your beautiful work!!
