
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

And the Winner Is..........

ManoCelebrates won our March Challenge!

With her adorable "Hang On" pendant................SO CUTE!
Look for her mini OR her interview here on the blog. She gets to pick which prize she wants!
Next Up.... the April challenge to begin tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to Set Up a Craft Fair Display

So many of you are debating, planning or taking the "Big Leap" into selling at......
Craft Fairs !
Lots to do!
Which ones to enter? Big expensive ones or small ones? Compile enough stock?
Accept charge cards? Invest in a canopy? How big?
Or the most important question.............
How can I leave to go "pee-pee" when I'm all alone at my booth?

Well here's some help answering one question.
How to Create a Product Display?
I found a great tutorial by Stacey of ElleBelle on etsy
Read and get some great advice ....
check out the comments too, and
I got a nice inexpensive banner at Office Max.
Oh , and the "pee-pee" question....
make immediate friends with your booth neighbor,
she'll need potty breaks too!
ElleBelle Tutorial

Friday, March 26, 2010

FESTettes are EVERYWHERE with Handmade Art!!!

WOW our team mates are showing off their handmade goods
this weekend.
Meet and Greet them!

Sea Side Herb Society Fair
March 27 Saturday 10A-3P
Ormond Beach
corner of Granada and Beach Street

Odd Duck
March 27th Saturday 12pm - 6pm
Historic Old Davie Schoolhouse
Davie, Florida
Jorgensen Studio

Art on Park Festival
March 27 and 28 10am - 5pm
800 Park Avenue
Lake Park, FL
Kat's Custom Kreations

Crystal Beach Spring 2010 Craft Show
March 27 & 28 Sat. 9-4, Sun 12-4
Crystal Beach Community Hall
Pinky's Pet Gear

Mt. Dora Spring Collectible/Craft Show
March 27 & 28 9am to 5pm
Mt. Dora, Florida

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Interview with MieleMelograno

Meet Liz of MieleMelograno

Who are you?
I am a long-winded, exuberant, exasperating, do-it-myself, people-loving, historically-enamored, art-wild, daughter-woman-wife-mom. Oh and I have a voice that will carry over a crowd no problem, and I laugh a lot! I like corny jokes ;) And I love marriage every aspect of it.

What do you create?
Ahhh creation is everything you put your heart into whether it's soup from scratch or a poem, or a construction paper valentine to your child ;) I love creating so much that I can't even follow a recipe I have to make it my own (I rarely even measure anymore). My husband doesn't mind that none of my loaves of bread are identical. Life is made of moments so why should everything be perfect every time?! The botched loaf will only make that next perfect loaf of golden bread seem that much more wondrous and beautiful. But in my Etsy shop you won't find bread. You'll find my passions brought out in gold and silver, gemstones and textiles. I create jewelry that leaps to me from the pages of history! When I was a small girl I used to love to spend Christmas in Iowa with my maternal grandparents. One Christmas I asked my grandfather where he got his wedding ring {it was a wide silver band with a Greek key pattern etched into it's surface}. He smiled and put down the cards we were playing to tell me about it. My grandfather could not afford a gold band for my grandmother but one day, thumbing a silver quarter in his pocket, he had an idea. He cut a hole in the silver quarter, but a rod in the middle and took a hammer to the outside edge to pound it down as he was rolling it back and forth, after he formed the band he to a small wood graver and etched out the Greek key pattern. That has always inspired me! You can do anything with your own hands and a few tools, even make jewelry! All it takes is that creative spark!

How did you come about your store name?
Miele Melograno {MEE-ehl mehl-oh-GRAHNO} First, it's Italian for "Pomegranate Honey". Through out history the pomegranates and honey have be symbols of prosperity and fruitful endeavors (happiness, times of plenty).Second, I love marriage! I love being married! I love every aspect of marriage from start to infinity! I want to be the Michelangelo to a bride's Sistine Chapel! I love to create with them something that in the end is just a piece of a start of their amazing life together. So what better name to have an one that wishes them the best of marital bliss? That's why I chose it, I wish everyone well!
What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?
hmmmmmm that's hard, but, I'd have to say my hammers. The resounding peal of metal on metal, the feel of it changing shape moving, spreading out, bending, the softer metals molecules yielding to the force of the steel hammers velocity .... yup I would definitely miss that.

What is your favorite material to work with?
22k gold! It's so warm and easy, expensive, but easy! You don't have to be as hard with it, it's like wearing silk after sack cloth for months!

What is your life like outside of Etsy?
I am a multi-tasking mom. I home-school {for now} the two oldest of our three boys, aged 9, 6 and 2. I also recently found out that our fourth child will be joining our merry band in November sometime. I truly do try to make everything I can from scratch. Not only for the pure joy of learning to do something new but also for the ecological aspect of it all too. I always find something creative to do whether it's baking, cooking, drawing, painting, scherrenschnitte (paper cutting), origami, book making, sewing, writing, or building lego wonderlands with my boys!

What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
I love that Etsy has finally gotten some of the new features out like the sorting, but I love the forums and treasuries most.

What do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
I do ... too much! my favorites have 1040 items (and that's weeded out over time too)

Is there an online "tool" that you like to use?! I have the upgraded version but it enabled me to create this beautiful website for free. I chose to pay to have the banner-less option but it's so easy and I couldn't have asked for more!

What other interests do you have?
Anything and everything I can get my hands into. but mainly the preservation of techniques on the brink of being lost to modern technology and convenience. So I love challenges.

Where in Florida do you live?
We moved to the Orlando Metro area in Fall 2002. This was my second time living here. From 1985-90 I lived here with my parents. So I've been in FL for a total of 12.5 years. I love the FL sun! I love the beaches and the springs.

Could you recommend a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy?
Well I like to go for adventures, especially those that can inspire with the lure of history! St. Augustine is one of my favorite places in Florida! It has great historical sites, good food, awesome college! And I wouldn't forgo one of the springs like Rock Springs near Apopka, or Blue Springs either.

What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?
You can find me here:
you can also look me up on Facebook, LinkedIn, WeddingWire, just type in Miele Melgorano.I can also be found on the under local vendors>South FL>Wedding Fashion>Rings

What “super” power would you like to have and why?
The ability to re arrange molecules ... then I could solder my jewelry without the use of harvested natural gases. I would be the ultimate green jeweler! I could even "smelt" the ore etc, who needs poisonous slag when I could just pull the elements to the surface and take the out?!

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
I got married to Jack, after knowing him for 5 weeks! Here was someone I couldn't let get away, and I knew something - I could trust him, with my heart! We had so many corresponding/similar things in our life. Yet we are different in so many others. Our shared experiences help draw us together, our differences balance us out. And after 12yrs and {soon to be} 4 children we are still growing in Love. You realize that not every moment is the best. It's the "not so easy" times that truly help you to appreciate every drop of happy moment you can catch!

If you were a dessert what would it be?
Now I have to answer this one too because it would be the amazing modern twist on baklava I had once at the Barbery Fig in Mpls, MN. It was a baklava w/ lavender infused honey. I'm that exactly, fragrant and sticky sweet, with many layers of crunchy goodness surrounding a sweet nutty core! Me 2 a tea ;-)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Time to Vote for the March Challenge!

Our creative FESTies have done it again! Here are the entries for our March challenge. The theme is "I Love Critters" or "Aquamarine". Some of you even managed to combine the two!

Now we need your votes!  Look for the poll in the left column and vote for your favorite.  Voting is open to everyone and ends March 31st. 

Saturday, March 6, 2010

AND the WINNER IS.....

Drew, of GlimpsesandRemains
WON the February challenge with her
SWEET candy apple "Sweetie" greeting card!
Her prize?
Her etsy mini on the blog for the month of March!!!
Lucky Lady FESTETTE!

So the MARCH Challenge has begun
Themes :

"I love Critters"
Take your pick
or submit an aquamarine critter that you love!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


We're celebrating the merry month of March by hosting another terrific FEST DOUBLE Blog GIVEAWAY featuring two wonderful items from our Florida FEST Shops.

The first from Sunde of PinkysPetGear Tampa Bay - is an elegant and gorgeous collar for your dog in bright pink and green fabric by designer Kaffee Fassett. Your pooch will be stepping out in style! Each collar is custom made with the finest materials to fit the breed and size of your furry friend.

The second from Amy of Greenbriar - is a lovely moss terrarium with lush red mushrooms. Her terrariums mimic the environment in which moss grows and are wonderful to study and observe. They are little worlds under glass and bring a touch of nature into your home or office.

HOW TO ENTER: Enter to win these great items by visiting both or either PinkysPetGear or Greenbriar at their Etsy Shops or any of the FEST Team members listed to the left on this page. Find your favorite item, share it with us and tell us why you love it. Remember to add your contact information so we can reach you if you are the Winner! Winner picked on 03/31/10. Simple and Easy!

Interview with cjBlue

Meet Constance of cjBlue
Who are you?
A Mother and Grandmother who enjoys creating!! Inspired by color! Love creating something from nothing and offering my items at a price that is affordable. I come from a large family, the oldest of 5 girls. I started sewing making elastic waist skirts at about 8 years old. The major inspiration in my life was and still is to this day My Grandmother Pearl-she was a model, an artist and a sewer, and that 1950's style homemaker. She was beautiful and so creative and helped me to appreciate those things. She has since passed on, but I try to keep her memory alive and pass on her legacy to my family and through my craft.

What do you create?
Jewelry and accessories. And will try anything. Love it all. I sit down at my craft table, look at my supplies and get inspired..usually by color...each day is different.

How did you come about your store name?
My Initials and my favorite color

What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?
My hand held drill.
What is your favorite material to work with?
Copper and Yarn

What is your life like outside of Etsy?
BUSY!! to say the least. Work in managing the office for my husband (for near 30 years) 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren!!

What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
I am a total ETSY fanatic!! I love every aspect of it!! The ability to meet Etsyians from all over the world has been a great fun.

What do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
Everything VINTAGE!

Is there an online "tool" that you like to use?
Facebook Fan Page

What other interests do you have?
Reading, Church, Writing, Creating, Philanthropy and of course my grandchildren and traveling with my family, family dinners.

Where in Florida do you live?
Naples and it is beautiful!

Could you recommend a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy?
The Beach is the Best!
What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?
Facebook Fan Page: cjBlueCompany

What was an embarrassing moment in your life?
Ha Ha....way too many to list!!
Where would you go if you had a time machine and why?
Back to the 1950's Feel a connection with that era...the clothes,the family respect that was the norm back then, the respect for authority and the least that is how I see it.

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
….Again...way too many to kids could really fill several pages on this one!!

Choose a movie title to sum up your life’s story
ON GOLDEN POND...just growing old with my any movie that revolves around family and sound family values.

What famous person would you like to meet?
Angelina Jolie for her philanthropy

If you were a dessert what would it be?
Of course no question here....CHOCOLATE!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Future FEST Team Challenges

Well, after much team and administration brainstorming
Here's the next years challenge themes.
Each month offers two options.
First a Beautiful Birthstone.
These will coordinate with the monthly etsy voters,
so you can submit your items there also.
Also there are lots of forum posts about birthstones
Second, a Fun Theme!

Critters, wild women, florida style.......
We have a great year ahead of us!
I hope everyone joins in!

2010 Monthly Team Challenge Topics

MARCH: aquamarine – I Love Critters
APRIL: diamond – En Vogue
MAY: emerald – Living In Florida Style
JUNE: pearl – Capture The Memories
JULY: ruby – It’s a Charmed Life
AUGUST: peridot – Let’s Take A Vacation
SEPTEMBER: sapphire – Surfs Up!
OCTOBER: opal - Asymmetry/Symmetry
NOVEMBER: yellow topaz – Flower Power Baby!
DECEMBER: tanzanite – Traditions
JANUARY: garnet – A Quiet Corner
FEBRUARY: amethyst- We Are Wild Women


Congratulations to Lollimom from Indiana, the winner of our February Blog Giveaway. She will receive a pair of lovely sterling sea shell earrings from fishbonesilver and wonderful no break, no roll crayons from ellebelleonetsy. Thanks to all who stopped by to check out our Giveaway Shops and our Blog!