
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Interview with Handmade3D

Meet Ellen of Handmade3D

Who are you?
I am Ellen Ault. I am an educator and plush designer. I teach computer animation at the Art Institute of Tampa, I also teach online for the Art Institutes, and I try to get some sort of sewing into every day if possible! I am married to a wonderful husband and we have two cats and one dog. I love watching cartoons. The good old stuff from the 30’s and 40’s, not the flash/flat/anime stuff of today. Yuck! Give me classic Bugs Bunny or Mickey any day!

What do you create?
I create plush designs for kids and adults. I like to create stuffed critters that anyone can hug and get a smile from. I try to incorporate bright colors and fun patterns and prints to create a character that you can cherish and tell secrets to.

How did you come about your store name?
My entire life is on the computer. After teaching all day, grading projects, writing lesson plans, I love to make something with my hands. So I decided to incorporate my 3D knowledge into handiwork! Alas, Handmade3D.

What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?

It’s a pretty big utensil, but my sewing machine! I just had it upgraded last fall, an early Christmas present from my mom. I have a Pfaff Creative Vision 5.5. I can sew, I can do embroidery, I can do anything!

What is your favorite material to work with?
Polka dot fabric, you should see the new quilt I’m working on. All polka dots!

What do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
It’s so easy to just get lost on etsy. I love looking at other plush designer’s work for inspiration.

Where in Florida do you live and for how long?
For the past two years I have lived in Tampa, Fl. We used to live in Palm Beach Fl, where I went to graduate school and had my first teaching position. The west coast of Florida is so much better than the east! Better climate, better people, a whole different lifestyle.

Could you recommend a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy?
We try to do things that require no money, so a favorite of ours is biking or walking on the Upper Tampa Bay Trail. It’s only a mile from where we live.

What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?
Professional work:
I also tweet and facebook, just search Handmade3D!

Where would you go if you had a time machine and why?
1928 to California. I would become an ink and paint girl in Walt Disney’s animation studio. I love fanning over Disney memorabilia, reading Disney history and art, and watching every back story possible on him.
Choose a movie title to sum up your life’s story

What famous person would you like to meet?
Walt Disney. Well, that won’t work. John Lasseter, the head of Pixar Animation and now story of Disney. To be able to pick his brain, hear his passion first hand. That would be a wonderful day.

If you were a dessert what would it be?
Bananas Foster. I just melt every time.


  1. Ellen - your shop is great! The eyes on your plushes are so expressive! Classic cartoons are a wonderful inspiration and always fun.
    Yay Gulf Coast - I am just south of you in Sarasota :D <- I wish that 'grin' could be as cute as your frog's.

  2. Love your critters! My daughter goes to to FGCU and I agree about the west coast. Maybe I'll tetire there!

  3. How adorable!!!!! and yes I think that frog is the cutest ever!

  4. Awesome interview.
    Ellen your blog is Killer!!!
    Love your varied interests.
    We love Pixar too!!


  5. Very cute interview and darling products!! I enjoyed getting to know you some... thanks! :)

    MaryL :)

  6. Good interview! It sounds like you have a day job that lets you use your creativity too! I'm engaged to a graduate of the AI's computer animation program (not Tampa's though), in fact we moved to Tampa for his new 3d animation job, and he gets a lot of creative fulfillment from his work.

  7. Great Interview.. Love your cute Plushies!
