
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Interview with our December Challenge Winner

Meet Audrey of AudreyGardenLady:

Who are you?
I am Audrey, a Wife, a Mom, a "professional" Volunteer, an Artist, a Jewelry designer, a Genealogist, a Gardener, a crafter, an avid reader, chief cook and bottle washer, a bookkeeper, a Scout supporter, a former Banker. Loving every minute of being a stay at home Mom ----who is hardly ever home.

What do you create?

I create Paper Sculpture, Jewelry, cards and figurines. I also do some sewing and other needle work. Nature, gardening and History inspire me greatly and I like to reflect these inspirations in my designs.

How did you come about your store name?
For the last three plus years, I ran an organic vegetable gardening program at my son's elementary school as a volunteer. Each school year, I had about 200 children from Kindergarten through Fifth grade in my program. Sometimes the smaller children had trouble pronouncing my last name so they started calling me Garden Lady. I like that title. Even now, I run into some of them in the grocery store and they still call me Garden Lady. My son moved up to middle school this year, so I consult on the program at elementary school but don't run it everyday anymore. I really enjoyed teaching children how to grow fresh food organically and am thrilled at having taught many of them to try new veggies. I also published a monthly Victory Garden newsletter for them. Each class would have a couple of Garden reporters who would write about their experiences in the garden. I published their articles and pictures and gave each reporter a garden spade of their own to keep. Many encouraged their parents to help them start their own gardens at home. The program was a real blessing for me.

What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?
My CutterBee non-stick scissors

What is your favorite material to work with?
Natural papers, fibers, gemstones and clay

What is your life like outside of Etsy?
Oh my goodness! Where do I start? Besides being married to my best friend almost 15 years now, I have a very active wonderful son. My husband is an architect. We are very involved in our church and Boy Scouts. I volunteer at my son's school, in Scouts and at church. I have been working on genealogy for 11 years own and others. I love to craft, design, read, explore, garden, cook....not enough hours in the day!

What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
I really like the Teams. It's fun to get to know people with common interests and to promote and support each other.

What do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
Free Time? When there is any of that available, I like to explore Southwestern art. I love Native American art, folklore and culture.

Is there an online "tool" that you like to use? (a website, whether it be Etsy or not, or something that you consider useful in your selling and communicating or advertising and research)
Etsy, of course, but I also use Facebook and Twitter.
You can fan me at
and follow me

What other interests do you have?
History. I frequently volunteer to transcribe old deeds, wills and records for a genealogy society I belong too.

Where in Florida do you live?
We have lived in Orlando almost 14 years now. We lived in Tampa prior to moving here. We love how vibrant, active and growing Orlando is. Lots of families. Lots to do here.

Could you recommend a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy?
All of the major theme parks are here, but we don't go much. We like to explore the natural parks here and around the state and country. We love to do the "Florida on a tankful" kinds of trips. East coast and west coast Florida beaches are an easy drive from here. Not long ago, we went to Cedar Key. What a fabulous place!!

What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?
Facebook and Flickr

Where would you go if you had a time machine and why?
I would go back to 1766 in South Carolina so I could meet two of my ancestors and solve a genealogy mystery that has had me at a brick wall for years. Actually there are a few of these kinds of places I go to, if I could!


  1. Very nice interview, and congrats to Audrey.

  2. great interview! nice to learn more about you, audrey!

  3. That was fun!! :))) Thanks for the glimpse into your life Audrey :)

  4. What a talented young woman you are. Great interview.


  6. Great interview and I have a special "HUG" for anyone who is supporting the Boy scouts Or Girl Scouts.
