
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Interview with Radiance Art

Meet Amy of Radiance Art:

Who are you?
--I'm Amy (AKA RadianceArt). I'm an Air Force wife with a small business making custom stained glass of all sizes. I also have an unnatural addiction to gooey mac n cheese, and want to someday write a novel and learn Chinese.
The big news right now: we expecting our first baby (a girl!) very soon!

What do you create?
--Mostly I do stained glass. I love to experiment with different techniques and approaches, and, through my subject matter, breathe new life into this old art form. Stained glass isn't just for churches anymore!
Although my ideas tend to bounce around, I consider most of my work to have a 'fantasy surf art' vibe to it, with a few wacky items here and there. I love using color!

What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
--Being an information junkie, I love that the answer to almost any question I have is just a few clicks away. There are so many seasoned folks and are more than happy to share their knowledge and experiences and help you out.

What other interests do you have?
--In addition to glasswork, I love to work with all mediums of art. (Incidentally, my college major was in wheel-thrown pottery and sculpture. Getting into stained glass was an accident!)
I also love to read, cook, crochet, swim, and play geeky games with my husband.

Where in Florida do you live, and what do you love about it?
--I moved to the Cocoa Beach area just 2 weeks before the first hurricane in 2004. I love all the little things about living in a tropical area (palm trees still make me smile), but I think my favorite thing is living by the ocean again and seeing all of Nature's moods in the waves.

What would you recommend as a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy.
--Surfing, of course! You don't even have to be good at it to have fun (trust me)!

What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?
BLOG: Craftifish.Blogspot
FACEBOOK: Radiance Art on Facebook
TWITTER: Craftifish.twitter
FLICKR: Radiance Art on Flickr

What animal would you like to be for one day and why?
--Totally would be a crocodile, because they are awesome creatures. Don't mind me, I'm just a log floating in the water...

What “super” power would you like to have and why?
--I like the super photographic memory power. To be able to see or read something, then instantly be able to do it. I'd learn every language on the planet, then start reading the operations manuals to everything.

Where would you go if you had a time machine and why?
--So many ideas for this one, but I think I'd be too scared of messing up some space/time continuum to do much. Doc Brown and Captain Picard taught me well.
Maybe I could get away with going back and inventing the bendy straw or something. Would having a million dollars really destroy the fabric of the universe that much?


  1. Can you share info of a FL Craft Show on the FEST blog and facebook fan page?

    The craft show is this Sunday, December 6 in Palm Harbor, FL. I added the info as a picture on facebook.

    Thank you!

  2. Amy has such gorgeous art! She has a great personality, too.

    (By the way, you call her "mary" in your intro- oops~!

  3. I love your stained glass and your humor!

  4. My deepest apologies to Amy - I must've gotten all the names jumbled up whilst trying to get this done. So sorry again Amy - I fixed it in the blog though -
