
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sunshine Kids Craft Corner- DIY Kids Party Favors

Everyone loves a creative and fun kids party. The best part is when you have the time to allow the children to be a part of creating all the fun party favors, centerpieces and games that go along with it. As a mom of three, I know that you don't get the pleasure of doing these kinds of things with your little one's forever so kick back, seize the moment and craft away with your Little Treasure Too!

This month the girls and I have been experimenting around with little Pillow Favor Boxes. These little guys are so much fun and actually once you have all the pieces that you will need, the kids really had a blast putting them together. Imagine, you can work with your little one to make these sweet little party favors in any color or theme and actually for any holiday or special event. Fill them up with some stickers, candies and little themed whatnots and your on your way to great Favor or Gift Idea!

Here is what you will need.

1. A sheet of card stock paper cut out as 6 x 6. Two sided is nice to use just make sure it's heavy enough
2. A pair of Scissors
3. A scoring knife or we just used a plastic knife
4. Glue or double sided tape
5. A CD or a Can from your Pantry

Optionals: Depending on your theme or idea you can embellish these with stickers, stamps, ribbons,glitter  and more. We still love Elmo so we had some Elmo letters around for ours!


1. Cut your sheet of card stock to 6x6
2. Fold down about 1/8" on one side ( this will become your seam)
3. Fold the paper in half

 4. Using the CD trace and cut out each end of the paper so both ends are rounded

 5.  Then flip the CD over and trace from the corners in to make an almond shape on the paper. These will be your ends that fold it. Trace the CD with a score tool or just a plastic knife
6. Now that all your parts are layed out go ahead and glue/ seal your pillow seam. Give it a minute and then Pop It Up a little bit
7. Fold down the two ends where you scored the paper ( Starting to look like something now!)
8. Embellish your pillow pocket however you would like ie. stickers, letters, glitters what ever makes your little one's smile! 
9. Add a little bow to it or around it and Walla! A fun handmade kids craft idea for your party. They will be so proud that they were a part of making them.  

Way to Cute!  Have some fun with creative ideas for crafting with your kids.

See u soon.



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

In My Corner With DMC Jewelry

DMC Jewerly's shoe box to hold all her supplies has grown into a walk in closet over the years as she has collected items to become jewelry.This closet is her area in the house for her hobby and job.  What a wonderful sentence huh?  To have a job that is your hobby, it means you enjoy what you do!!!
The plastic containers above hold PMC clay, polymer clay, lampwork supplies, and miscellaneous "impulse" buys that haven't sparked any ideas yet.  Things she doesn't need daily. 
She was even able to include a shipping station in her corner.  I am glad she was willing to share even though she did not have a whole room because it reminded me that it is not required for me to have a whole room to be successful at my hobby.  I was pining over all the rooms I have been featuring thus far.  So it is a good reality check for me. 
Above is some of her tools which she confessed was staged for the picture because she was "trying to give the impression of being tidy. Which she is not by any stretch of the imagination."   I think I mentioned this before I have a quote that I love and it goes "I am creative, so you can't expect me to be clean as well."  I really want to put that up on my wall oneday. 
This rolling storage box holds all of her gemstones, crystals, pearls, silver, wires etc. It weighs too much to roll anymore. Or move at all she said.  LOL. I had a storage tower very similar that fell apart from so much love. 
This is where she actually works and this is her supervisor, Max. "He likes to keep a close eye on my progress. I have an awesome view from the window which sometimes makes it hard to concentrate but also inspires me now and then." she said.  

I didn't catch anything that she couldn't live without but she did mention a major pearl addiction.  She sounded like me and fabric.  I have destashed so many times it's not even funny. 

Something she shared about herself- "Aside from making jewelry, I like to be creative in other ways as well. I like to cook, especially fiddly appetizers that my husband refers to as “chick food”. I love to play in the dirt so I have several gardens even though it’s challenging to keep anything alive during the summer months. I like to photograph, especially when we’re out on the lakes here in Leesburg. Those photos often inspire some of my color schemes. If the colors work in nature, they’ll work in your creations. Sometimes with stunning results."  

Nature is a very common in a lot of people's work.  I was not too surprised by her love of it. I liked getting to know more about her other hobbies and her storage tip to pass on to you....
Prescription Bottles.
"I’ve recently started to repurpose empty prescription bottles for my gemstones. Friends and family have given me nearly enough for all of them. All are labeled so I can find what I need and the dark plastic keeps the stones safe from too much sunlight."

I was very glad to hear from Delaine at DMC Jewelry and enjoyed sharing her space with you!!!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Flowers All Over - FEST Blog Giveaway - June/July

 Our latest FEST Blog Giveaway features a colorful and convenient Cosmetic Bag from ChantalMarieLiving of Lake Worth Florida. Bursting with flowers in fabulous colors, these handy bags are perfect to keep your cosmetics all in one place and can also be used for small on-the-go hand clutches.

 Chantal also fashions quilted seat belt covers, handbags, pillows and picture frames, among other things. Her throw pillows are made from Molas, madras plaid from the Caribbean, floral prints from Columbia and Brazil and fabulous cottons from Provence, France. She is always on the lookout for unique and gorgeous fabrics to use in her creations. The Summer Citrus Striped Beach Bag featured below would look fabulous on your next trip to the beach.

 You can visit Chantal at ChantalMarieLiving on Etsy to see more of her wonderful creations.

HOW TO ENTER: Enter to win one of these wonderful and cheery Cosmetic Bags by visiting Chantal or any of the FEST member shops listed on the top of our Blog Page. Find your favorite item, share it with us and tell us why you love it. Remember to add your email address or contact info so we can connect with you if you are the Lucky Winner! Winner picked on 07/09/12. Simple and Easy!

Friday, June 1, 2012

June's Em- Power Days

If you are not familiar with Ellen Whitehurst then you should be!
Ellen Whitehurst is a Better Living Expert and is recognized as the country's premier expert in Feng Shui and other empowering modalities.
If you would like to know more about Ellen Whitehurst, you can subscribe to or read her website.
And as part of this month activities, we would like to share our picks from the Florida Etsy Street Team to help your Shuistrology for this month.

JUNE 3 - Mercurial Mercury has a message for stinkeye Saturn on this day but we’re never sure how Saturn’s going to take it.  For that reason alone, suffice to say that you don’t want to be putting pen to paper and signing anything into being today.  You can continue talks, just don’t sign papers.  Now, if you must sign something during an eclipse use a red or purple pen, the Prosperity Signature (start first initial of first name slanting up, end last initial of last name same way and slant entire signature up and to the right!)  If you want to be doubly, triply sure that the Fates are watching over you, scribble the numbers 126 or even 168 somewhere subtle.  All I got.  But it’s def the write stuff.
Handmade Single Initial Necklace

JUNE 4 - FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius while Neptune turns retrograde and Venus squares off against Mars.  Uh oh.  Say what you mean and mean what you say but be careful what either or both of those things are.  In fact, just be as compassionate and care-full as you can be, but, you’re better off not Say Anything at all, but, if you feel you must, follow Lloyd Dobler’s example and “Turn the Other Way.”  And turn the other cheek too.  It’s gonna be THAT kind of day.
Be Nice Or Leave Wood Sign

JUNE 7 - The Sun squares off against mighty Mars today while Mercury slides into security loving Cancer.  Be kind to each other, but, bigger than that - - be kind to you!  DO YOU!  And, if anyone rubs you the wrong way (or vice versa) try this:  Rub your two middle fingers from the tip of your nose up to your hairline and leave your fingers there while spreading your thumbs as well.  Press your thumbs under your eyebrows and up to your temples.  Rub your hands until they are hot and then cover your eyes for THIRTY SIX SECONDS.  Taoist Feng Shui says that this exercise is one of the ways to creating an internally and externally beautiful person!  You’re sitting pretty now!
Don't let go 2 children holding hands big brother little sister Photography Art 8x8 Print

JUNE 8 - Mercury and Neptune sittin’ in a tree – K-I-S-S-I-N-G!  And this love-fest is going to plant one on you so, now, it’s time for you to do same.  Plant one that is.  A dream that is.  And then seed it so that it will bloom and grow.  Do that TODAY.  Share your hopes and then brainstorm ways to make them happen.  When Neptune’s involved no fantasy is too outrageous, no plan too far out.  DREAM  BIG.  And, then, research someone else who’s already done what you are planning and study their strategy.  Oh, and don’t forget to leave the front lights on for three consecutive hours for three consecutive days either.
12x18 print-Dreams are my favorite place to visit

JUNE 11 - This SUPER STELLAR day will carry an influence and an impact for the next 12 months to come!  It’s a doozy!  You’ll know exactly what to do if you’re a subscriber to my free monthly newsletter because that’s the only place you can find this SUPER STELLAR DAY info!  Hurry and sign up now!  You’ll be very glad that you did!
Abstract Painting on 8x10 Canvas

JUNE 12 - Sun shines on Saturn and Saturn’s shining on you.  Use your words wisely (diplomatically and charmingly too!) and you could find a fabulous future just waiting for you and your one and only!  ALL relationships benefit from today’s astro energies so do be sure to put a cluster of crystals in that same RELATIONSHIP/ROMANCE space and shine some light on them.  Obviously, the operative word today is ‘shiny!’  So, shine baby shine!  Your future’s so bright, well, you know the Shady Rest.
Something Blue - Light Sapphire & Champagne Cluster Bracelet for the Bride

JUNE 20 - Things are really heating up on this Summer Solstice with Mercury squaring off against Saturn (uh oh!) and Venus sextile Uranus (oh yeah!)  Better to be safe than so out of money you can’t take it anymore so, watch your spending.  Put off the purchase(s) until the energies are more supportive - - and solvent too.  Towards that end, tie three faux Chinese coins on an 18 inch piece of red ribbon making sure that the four character side of the coin(s) is facing outwards.  Hang this GOOD FORTUNE COIN CURE on the inside handle of the front door and watch opportunities and luck come right to your door!  Oh, and money too!
Money Dangle Charm Bead with Emerald Green Swarovski Crystal

JUNE 21 - Mercury the Messenger is making hay with aggressive, entrepreneurial and warrior Mars today.  Put thoughts into action.  Because, in reality, THAT’S The Secret.  Now, if your thoughts have to do with finding more recognition and better rewards on the personal or the professional front, locate your FAME area and put an image of something soaring there (a hot air balloon, a bird, a plane - - you get it!)  Leave that image in that place for 9 or 27 days and soon your own rep will be so soaring too!  Go ahead - - today’s energies say that you’ve been cleared for take-off!

Taking Flight

JUNE 23 - This day is runner – up to SUPER STELLAR DAY!  That’s because a sizzling and sexy Sun is hooking up with fantasy fueled Neptune setting the stage for a night of passion, dreams and love.  Spritz a little ylang-ylang essential oil on your red sheets and hang a double happiness symbol over the head of your bed.  It’s okay, it’s summer and you’re hot, hot, HOT!
36x48 Original Painting by Sherri Lemire / Mixed Media on Canvas / "Soulful Seduction"

JUNE 24 - ALERT!  ALERT!  ALERT!  Uranus the Awakener is MMA style cage fighting uber powerful Pluto.  This is one of the most major-ly disruptive days of this year and the start of some similarly volcanic, dynamic and revolutionary days that will last well into 2015.  It’s gonna be a nail biter that you’ll file away for years to come.  Bach Rescue Remedy.  Twelve drops in a glass of water or four drops under the tongue three times a day.  TODAY.  Speaking of tongues - - hold yours.  And your kids and the dog too.  Play soothing music and step out of the prevailing pissy vibe.  Wear soft colors and speak in softer tones.  And speaking of speaking:  “I am fully equipped for the divine plan of my life.”  Thanks for the reminder Florence Shinn.  Now, remind you to say that all day, every day, for the next three or four.  I promise you’ll be saying ‘thank you’ after that!  Now, ALL that said, don’t forget to drop by my facebook page for more secrets, tips and techniques for turning these squares all around!
Thank You Fabric Postcard

JUNE 25 - Normally magnanimous Jupiter squaring off against a nebulous Neptune warning us that we all gotta get along, no matter the color or the creed!  Dogma’s in the doghouse so say a prayer that we find some common bond sitting on common ground.  And, then, see yesterday’s advice!
Extra large recycled/ upcycled vintage shadow box with glass - Virgin Mary of Mexico

JUNE 27 - Venus, the planet that governs all things love and money, goes direct today!  VENUS IS OUT OF RETROGRADE!  TODAY!  YAY!  Find an image of her glyph on any search engine and recreate it out of cornmeal on the threshold of your front door.  Oh, and did I say that Venus is moving forward today?  So will your love life.  And your bottom line.  Both.  ‘Bout time too!
Melange Series No. 3 Venus Glass Tile Pendant by Happy Shack Designs

JUNE 29 - Sun opposing Pluto while Mercury sextiles Jupiter before the Sun squares off against Uranus and…and….and…..  WTF?????  What’s it all mean?  Damned if I know.  But just to be static inside all these mixed messages wear a smile and make nicey nice!  Of course some flowers in the house couldn’t hurt and neither could this prayer from J. Cornug’s ‘Handbook of Angels’:  “Archangel Jabriel, Archangel Jabriel, Archangel Jabriel.  Clear my path.  Light my way.  Make it easy every day.”  AMEN!
Original pen and ink drawing, frame included, colorful flowers ,butterflies  "Unexpected Beauty"