
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Interview with Robin Maria Pedrero

Meet Robin of RobinMariaPedrero:
Robin Maria Pedrero is listed in Florida International Magazine’s 2009 Florida Artists Hall of Fame. Her artwork is in the upcoming 2011 thriller movie “Roommates”. She is an elected signature member of the Pastel Society of America.

Who are you?
A green eyed girl who looks at the world around her through rose colored glasses and creates art from it.

What do you create?
I create 2D art using a symbolic visual language exploring the visible and invisible creating a commentary on relationships and thoughts. My unique style and use of color are shared through my creations.

What was the main inspiration for your shop?
Inspiration for my shop was to expand my territory..and I have… shipping work to England, Bahrain, Canada and across America.

How did you come about your store name?
It is my Name

What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?
Sumie brushes

What is your favorite material to work with?
COLOR via Music

What do you enjoy most about making the things you make?
The things I make bring joy

What is your life like outside of Etsy?
Our family likes to travel. My shui tzu Max A. Million fills our days with cuteness! We all take a lot of pictures.

What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
SHARE …on twitter on facebook and everywhere

What do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
ART, fashions, soaps and lip balms, food and jewelry…I like unique, contemporary styles with an eclectic mix.

Do you have a tip for other Etsy sellers?
Join Teams and be a great teammate!

Is there an online "tool" that you like to use?
Facebook Fan Page

What other interests do you have?
I LOVE racquetball!

Where in Florida do you live?
Central Florida for over 20 years, in Longwood almost 10.

Could you recommend a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy?

Besides theme parks, but of course all the art galleries, OMA, Maitland Art Center, Gallery 17.92, the gardens like Polasek and Mead and Leu, 3rd Thursday downtown is a MUST, Jeanine Taylor Folk Art and Sanford River Walk, Central Florida Zoo….oh was I supposed to mention just one?

What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?
My blog ~
Website ~
Etsy ~
1000 markets ~
Books ~
Video ~
Like my Facebook Page ~
Twitter ~

Is there a funny/touching/sad story behind any of your items?
There are numerous stories behind the art, ones filled with tears, laughter, and occasionally danger. I often share the stories on my blog or even in the item listing on Etsy. I have a surprise…The first person to contact me via any means..facebook twitter or email and share their favorite story of one of my pieces wins an original ACEO from me!

What “super” power would you like to have and why?
Oh I just want to fly everywhere..after all I am a Robin! I really don’t care for driving but I like to go places. I could do so much, deliver art personally, help people, see the world…sky’s the limit..or ohhh if it’s super powers I think Saturn would be fun to explore!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Interview with Our July Challenge Winner!

Meet Cynthia of Chapelgate Lane Mosaics:

Who are you?
My name is Cynthia Adams, and I have lived in Florida since 1980. I grew up in Baltimore. My day job is in nuclear medicine. I have a great daughter, and two young grandsons. I have been married for 3 years to Tommy, who is a great guy. I love spending time with my family, going to the beach, and reading.

How did you find Etsy?
I heard about Etsy from my daughter. A lot of people were telling me that I should sell my mosaics, so I gave Etsy a try.

What was the main inspiration for your shop?
My inspiration for my shop was my love of stained glass.

How did you come about your store name?
My real store name is Chapelgate Lane Mosiacs. Chapelgate Lane was my Grandma's street; I dearly loved her, so I used her street name. It brings back fond memories. (I am stuck with nuccynthia on Etsy because I originally signed up as a buyer).

What do you create?
My creative process varies. I love the beach and sea, so I do quite a bit with those themes. I also love Mexican Talavera tiles, and I have begun designing outdoor mosaics around those. Sometimes I just lay out different pieces of glass and tiles, and an idea comes to me. Or, I'll see a painting or object that gives me design ideas. I have also started doing mosaic jewelery, which makes for fun small projects.

How do you get past creative slumps?
I rarely experience a creative slump. I usually have more ideas than time to implement them. My mind is always working on my mosaics, and coming up with new ideas.

How has your work changed and evolved since you started?
I had been doing regular stained glass panels for quite a while, and decided to try mosaics. My first attempts were a bit "rustic." I just kept crafting and reading, and talking to other artists, so my mosaics have evolved into larger projects like mirrors and outdoor pieces. I learn every day, and I think my pieces are now of a quality that I'm, happy with.

What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?
The thing I cannot live without is my imagination.
Do you have any future plans for your shop?
Mu future plan for my Etsy shop is to promote it more. I sell on other websites and I locally, so Etsy is just a part of my plan. I think mosaics really need to be seen in person for the buyer to "fall in love" with a piece. I am going to be in some craft shows this fall, and am going to try out a home mosaic party hosted by a friend.
I hope to develop my own website in the future, but haven't done so yet. I also sell on Artfire.
What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
I love Etsy because you can find virtually anything you are seeking. I've found perfect invitations, jewelry and, of course, supplies. I try to buy supplies from other Etsy members.

Do you have a tip for other Etsy sellers?
Don't sell yourself short and price your items too low. (I have made this mistake). I think low prices actually hinder sales, and cause your work to be perceived as low quality.

Is there an online "tool" that you like to use?
I don't participate too much in forums and other online sites. I'm too busy with work and my art, and I'm not sure that doing so really helps with sales. I do check out craft blogs and small business blogs like to increase my knowledge about running a business.

Where in Florida do you live?
I have lived in Tampa since 1980. I am excited about going to see the Dale Chilhully museum. Pass-a-Grille beach is one of the best around. It has beautiful sugar sand beaches and is usually not overcrowded. Gasparilla events (Gasparilla is the big pirate party in February with parades, parties etc.)are symbolic of Tampa. The Gasparilla children's parade is great if you have a family. The regular parade tends to get a bit rowdy. Ybor City is known for nightlife, but it is a fun place to explore during the daytime; it has a lot of history and culture, and was the home of the cigar business in Tampa. There are various festival held in Ybor City, such as the Italian Festival, the Cuban Festival, and Cigar Festival.

If you were a dessert what would it be?
If I were a dessert, I would be a red velvet cake. I love cake!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Interview with StarBaby

Meet Debby of StarBabyOnline:

Who are you?
My name is Debby, but I have been known as "starbaby" online for many, many, many moons. Grew up in Philly and moved to St. Petersburg, FL in 1984. I don't see me ever moving out of this area. I've created and designed jewelry since 1972 or 73, my first job working for someone else was in a bead store where my salary basically went back to the owner in purchases. I've been selling what I created since 1974, on and off. I'm a classically trained artist from a very young age, but I've always loved jewelry and photography best. Second best is sculpture, with a close runner up of print-making.

What do you create?
Sterling silver (mostly), gemstone and glass jewelry. A lot of my jewelry is done freehand sketching while I'm watching TV or listening to music - both give me lots of ideas. Then it's off to search for beads that look like the idea I have half in my head and half on paper.

What is the crafting utensil you cannot live without?
A pair of long neck, hook neck electrician's pliers that belonged to my Dad's and are probably about 50 years old at least. A good example of buying good tools and taking really good care of them. They last forever.

What is your favorite material to work with?
Clay. I can form it to take what I'm feeling and touch it to make my fingers and hands create what my mind is thinking. This is really why I want to work with PMC.

What is your life like outside of Etsy?
Wow. Chaos and Zen at the same time. Read my Etsy profile for more information.

What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
I don't know that I can pick just one.

Do you enjoy "window shopping" on Etsy on your free time?
Yes, very much so! If you could see my favorites file, you may never leave the computer. I don't publish it as public, because it's so embarrassingly large.

Is there an online "tool" that you like to use?
Google is my friend. :-) Also, Facebook networking.

What other interests do you have?
As said before, photography - I've sold photos in the past, back before there were digis. I went to school and learned on a Canon FtB, an SLR that was just perfection and an extension of what my mind saw. I love to read. I am a science geek - specifically all things physics. I love supporting the art scene in St. Pete, which has become just utterly amazing over the last 5 or so years and gets more amazing every day. I easily get lost and buy too much in craft or art stores. I'm a working psychic medium and it's a family thing - I can trace back relatives with the gift for four or five generations. I also love to write. I used to blog prolifically for years. I'm taking a break from that right now.

Where in Florida do you live?
St. Pete, since 1984. As mentioned before, the art scene here. It's incredible for a mid-city size. I grew up in Philadelphia and 90 minutes from NYC, so I'm used to museums and art. If you could take the population divided by the number of museums, galleries, shows, etc that we have and apply it proportionately to a larger city, we would rival them. There is also a huge feeling of community here that is lacking in larger cities. Even people coming across the bridge from Tampa notice that.

Could you recommend a fun activity near your Fl home that other members might enjoy?
600 Block of Central Avenue (our new art district), The brand new Chihuly Museum, the Museum of Art, The Dali Museum, Morean Arts Center, the many festivals and art fairs that you can find almost every weekend, Saturday Morning Market (October - May), more places to hear music than you could possibly see... I'm not sure where to stop.

What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?
Things are at a temporary standstill right now as I am selling my house and moving very soon. I'm very active on my personal FB page (do a friend request for, but make sure you send a message along with the request as to who you are) and haven't been as active as I should be at my FB fan pages (/starbabygems and /starbabyreadings) or Twitter (

What animal would you like to be for one day and why?
Most people would assume I'd say cat as they are my favorite creatures, but I think I'd have to say a bird - specifically a hawk. And why? Just the freedom to fly and swoop and be so amazingly graceful whilst being incredibly accurate.

What “super” power would you like to have and why?
Invisibility when I want it. I can't tell you why. That would ruin the super-power. ;-)

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
There's a long list. Hmmm... how about appeared on TV, dressed as a lizard woman and shimmied up a reporter's body?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ooooh! Oooooh! The August Challenge Themes!

So, this month we have a choice of two great themes. First, "Peridot", that gorgeous green birthstone for the month of August. And second, a timely topic, "Let's take a Vacation!" Boy, I can't wait to see how team members apply their talents to that one!
Here's the link to the post:

Congrats to Nuccynthia!

Nuccynthia is the winner of the July Challenge with her Ruby Red Mosaic Vase! Her prize is a choice of a month long "mini" of her Etsy shop or an interview. And now, it's August - so watch for the next monthly challenge to be posted soon!