
Monday, November 30, 2009

An Excellent Etsy Photography Tutorial

If you have a Digital SLR camera and need some pointers on how to get the best photos for etsy? are in luck!

Our FEST member, Heather, of GreenHeathTreasures has written an excellent tutorial -

Etsy Photography.

Her guide focuses on white balance, ISO speed, lighting and editing. She even explains how to adjust sizing so etsy's auto crop won't change the effect you have created.

The diagrams and detailed instructions provide an in depth method to getting fantastic views of your artwork.

If you are a novice photographer like me with a very basic camera and a magical "macro" setting that makes me appear to have some photo skills, Heather's tutorial may seem daunting at first. Read it through a few times and you will pick up a few tips.

If you have a SLR camera you can really benefit from her instructions!

Thanks Heather for your hard work putting this tutorial together.

Enjoy a new listing from Heather's shop.

Owl Disk Necklace

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

There is a STAR on our Team!

Our own Kelly of RedMarionette is the Holiday Decor Winner on etsy!!!

Her Green Holiday Wreath with "Cutie Hooties" Pierce and Timothy stole the hearts of the voters. I'm sure many of these votes were cast by all the Festettes - So thanks to everyone who voted for her adorable Wreath! Be sure to visit her shop to see all the other critters she has designed. The moose is my favorite!

The next contest is for high-end holiday gifts. Lets go FEST members- submit and lets win another round!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Shows This Weekend

Two shows this weekend with FEST members attending to share their arts with the world!

Our "Sassycrafter" will be at:

GLAM Gainesville Local Art Mart

November 22
Sunday 2p-6p
Thelma Bolton Center

The second show is:

Mrs. Claus' Craft Corner

Saturday 9a-8p
Sunday 11a- 5p

4450 N. University Dr.
Lauderhill, Fl.

Our Festette Michelle of MikicatDesigns will be there selling her beautiful Jewelry. If your in the area come and meet these two talented, lovely artists.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Time to VOTE!

It's time to cast your vote for our November challenge. The theme is "FEAST", since Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Look over our entries and before you rush off to get a snack, click on your favorite in the poll in the left sidebar. Get ready "Gobble", get set "Gobble-Gobble", Go "Gobble- Gobble-Gobble.......

Pumpkin Poppy Seed Soap by AquarianBath

A Feast for the Eyes Charm Bracelet by AudreyGardenLady

Vintage Thanksgiving Turkey Necklace by ChickadeeLane

Vintage Corn Cob Gravy Pitcher by iWunderVintage

Baby Gator Feast by MMToadz

Monster Messenger Bag by Pinka

Autumn Pear Print by RobinMariaPedrero

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Interview with WonderfulWire

Meet Mary of WonderfulWire:

Who are you?
*My name is Mary Lamoray and I'm a self-taught present, I do wire sculptures. I say at present because my art mediums have a habit of changing every so often :) I've been a scrimshander (one who does scrimshaw), polymer clay artist (I still do an occasional clay 'painting') and I've played off and on with various colored pencil, water color marker and sharpie drawings and illustrations. But right now, I am most serious about wire! :)

What do you create?
*I create wire art animal and abstract designs. The first rule of wire art is “There are no rules”, the second rule is “Don't put your eye out”! And yes! In that order! :) Wire art is especially unique because of the very nature of the medium. It allows for wild, crazy, abstract concoctions that might look a total mess on paper or canvas... but in wire, it comes to life in the most fantastic way. Likewise, realistic wire art comes across as very deep and raw... it touches the soul in various ways. Sometimes like a gentle breeze and at other times in explosive zaniness! I also liken my particular style to music. Each piece has its own sound and can come through as Jazz, classical, the blues or even a children's sidewalk marching band! :)

What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
*I love the 'Time Machine'. I learn a lot watching what's 'sold' or 'just listed'... I get inspired and encouraged to do better.

What other interests do you have?
*I love good movies, iced coffee, ice cream and snorkeling! I used to have a lot of other interests but I have Multiple Sclerosis so I'm curtailed in just about everything except my art! :)

Where in Florida do you live?
*I live in Sanford on a 30 ft. sailboat with my wonderful husband (We've been married 28yrs :) and our 'rescued from the pound' dog 'Jake'. We lived aboard and cruised our old sailboat for 12 years (Our son has it now), and then moved on land for about 8 years. We've been living on this boat for over a year now! So wonderful to be back on the water. We haven't gone anywhere with it yet though... still doing repairs and my husband has to commute back and forth to Winter Garden four days a week... so we are going to be in Sanford for a long time yet.

If one were to visit Sanford what would you suggest they do?
*The 'Rivership Romance' dinner cruise!! We have never gone ourselves but it is always packed and everyone seems to really enjoy themselves! It's docked at Monroe Harbour Marina here in Sanford (The city marina).

What are some other sites to find out more about you and your art?

*I just started a brand new blog called All Things Seahorse
*My other blog is called Living With Walls
*I'm also on Flickr

What “super” power would you like to have and why?
*I would love to be able to breathe under water and walk around on the ocean floor!! Now THAT! Would be cool!! :)))

What famous person would you like to meet and why?
*I would love to meet Christopher Loyd... I just love his incredible versatility in character roles! Of course my absolute favorites are as 'Doc' in the 'Back to the future series' and he also played the 'Klingon commander' in 'Search for Spock'! Now That's! Versatile! :)))

Trying to pick out just 3 of Mary's Wonderful Wire was extremely difficult - you have GOT to go to her shop and see how talented she is for yourself!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Fantastic Florida Festival This Weekend

This weekend November 7th & 8th check out the

The "33rd Country Jamboree" in Barberville, Florida.

Saturday 9a to 5p and Sunday 9a-4p
Barberville is a bit west of Daytona Beach.
Who's going to be there?
Our very own FEST member Barbara of Angeloco will be there!

Come meet her, wish her a wonderful show and see her beautiful jewelry designs!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Handmade Challenge

A New Handmade Challenge has begun!
With Thanksgiving just weeks away we begin to plan annual family gatherings for our Turkey Feasts. Therefore "Feast' is the theme for our November challenge. Get creative and submit your beautiful handcrafted items that inspire eating or build appetites or beautiful table settings or relatives get the idea.

Follow the link to the left to the etsy thread. Deadline is the November 15th. The winner is featured on our blog in December!