
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Interview With JeniLuScraps

Meet Georgi (aka Lu) of JeniLuScraps.

Who are you?
I'm a retired legal secretary who moved here with my wonderful DH a couple of years ago from Michigan. I'm actually one-half of JeniLuScraps ~ my daughter Jen (still in Michigan) is the other half.
What do you create?
love creating useful things out of fabric ~ wallets, pouches, key fobs, and a bag here and there. I have a couple of friends that belong to motorcycle clubs, and I created a little pouch for them that hooks onto their belt loops to keep things safe and handy for them when they're riding. The ones I've made were all special orders so I haven't listed any of those yet ~ soon, I hope!
How did you get started?
When I was working full-time, my dream was to stay home and sew. I had sewn a bit when my daughters were small ~ but, once I started working, my sewing/crafting went to the back burner.
What is unique about your products?
I love to scour the thrift stores for interesting patterned fabrics that I don't see every day at the fabric stores. Besides making things out of fabrics that are unique, I like to think that I'm being "green" by recycling clothes.
What has been your biggest challenge in developing your business?
I've always been on the shy side, so just putting myself out there has been a challenge for me. I'd love to say "THANKS!" to all of you who have made this journey so worthwhile ~ it's been a blast "meeting" so many wonderful people in the Etsy community.
What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
I love browsing the Treasuries and drooling over all that's out there ~ and I always love to read the Featured Seller interviews to see how other people got started and how their creative process works.
What other interests do you have?
I love to read (just a kid at heart, really ~ loved the Twilight and Harry Potter series!). And I'll have to admit that I love playing video poker ~ Vegas is my favorite destination now that I live here.
Where in Florida do you live?
My DH and I retired in August 2007 and moved to Bonita Springs soon after that to be close to both our moms who live here full-time. Coming from Michigan where it seems to be gray skies 6-9 months out of the year, I love the sunshine down here where I get some much-needed Vitamin D every day. Aside from that, just the beauty of the birds, trees and flowers ~ do you ever get tired of that?
What are some other sites to find out more about you ?
I try to keep my fabric stash up to date on Flickr, along with a few pics of other things (like my biker bags):
I'm also on Twitter:

What was you worst crafting disaster?
I don't know if you could call it a "crafting" disaster, but the first craft show we did was a total bust ~ we didn't sell one thing! Talk about discouraging.
What animal would you like to be for one day and why?
I'd love to be a giraffe for a day ~ they're so graceful and they have gorgeous eyelashes.
What makes you laugh?
My husband and my kids have all been blessed with a great sense of humor ~ they always make me laugh! Our favorite thing to do is to play games when we all get together ~ can't tell you how many times I've almost peed my pants! (Can I say that here?)
Choose a movie title to sum up your life’s story.
"Enchanted" ~ I met my husband a little later in life and he changed it completely ~ for the better of course!

I really enjoyed choosing pics for this interview! The fabrics in her shop are really unique,....go and check them out!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Interview With DevineDesignsJewelry

Meet Cindy of DevineDesignsJewelry

Who are you?
I am a veterinary technician by trade;started making jewelry a little over a year ago. I have always been creative, ( I used to sew and make swimsuits for friends). I went to beauty school a long time ago, with the intention of becoming a make-up artist, but never did pursue that career.
What do you create?
I make wire, metal, and beaded jewelry designs. Mostly in sterling silver or copper, with artisan made lamp work beads and/or gemstone beads.
How did you get started?
I am a jewelry junkie. Have always been buying artisan made jewelry, and always wanting to tweak a piece to my liking. While in Target, I was looking at some beading magazines, decided to buy one, bought some supplies, really enjoyed creating, and the rest,as they say, is history.
What is unique about your jewelry?
I try to make my jewelry items different than any thing you may have seen. I only make a piece once, so my jewelry is "one of a kind". I am a member of Self-representing jewelry artists: SRAJD#1658.
What has challenged you?
I think my biggest challenge has been the economic crisis of the past year.
What is you favorite feature on etsy?
My favorite feature on Etsy, I would have to say is The Storque, because you can find so much information there. How to set up your shop, business advise, & features on shop owners.

What other interests do you have?
Reading, yoga, my cats, tattoos, mythology, the beauty of nature & shopping!
Where do you live?
I'm in Tarpon Springs; been here 15 years now, originally from just outside of Philadelphia, Pa.
Where else can we find out more about you?
My blog:
See previous work, sold pieces, and other stuff:
and most recently: and
What Super power would you like to have?
I would have to say that I have a fondness for Wonder Woman. So not so much 1 super power, but I love the whole idea of a strong woman, capable of doing any thing, including physical strength, bullet proof (loved those bracelets!) And the power to make people tell the truth, now that's something! Although I'm not sure I would want to know every body's thoughts!

Cindy's jewels are beautifully made with intricate details and color schemes! Go browse her shop and enjoy the various styles all in one location!

Monday, August 10, 2009

July Fest Giveaway!!

Sorry to keep everyone waiting! The giveaway is a little later than usual this month because I just returned from a lovely vacation in Seattle Wa. I won't bore you with details of my fabulous trip, I will just tell you about our wonderful fest member who is our giveaway sponsor this month!

Our July sponsor is Kelly Warren of Happy Shack Designs & her other shop Kelly Warren Photo Art. She is a multidimensional talent. The piece for this months giveaway comes from her amazing photography. A gorgeous photo entitled "bliss" mounted on a 6x6 inch wooden box frame . It makes a lovely addition to any room as it can be hung on the wall, sat on a shelf, or even placed on the windowsill. The photo Kelly tells us is from her sister's wedding bouquet.

These little treasures are not available in her shop on Etsy, yet, but are for now only available locally. You could be the first to own one outside of Florida!
The photo is beautiful. I just love Irises.

How to Enter: If you would like to be entered to win this beautiful piece by Kelly, just visit one of her shops listed above or any of the other fest members listed to the left. Pick another purple item & post the listing in your comment with a once sentence description of the item.
Be sure to include a name & email so I can contact you if you are the winner!
The winner will be drawn on Aug 31st with a random number generator from all the entries.
Good Luck!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Interview with CinfulArt

Who are you?
I am Cindy of CinfulArt on etsy. I’m a lifelong crafter. Making things is a passion as is finding those hidden treasures in Junk Shops. I have a married son, great daughter-in-law and a terrific significant other who supports and encourages my crafting madness. I enjoy all kinds of music, love to go to our local Lemon Bay Theatre and just thrive on the Florida sunshine.
What do you create?
My current passion is creating art quilts depicting tropical themes. Flamingos, Sea Turtles, Sandhill Cranes, Fish, Mermaids… Most have been wall hangings but I have some ideas for pillows and table runners on the drawing board. I have also created a number of Counted Cross Stitch Rounds featuring fish, animals and geometric designs.
How did you get started?
My Grandmother sparked my love of all things handmade. I was sewing on her old Singer Treadle Machine before I could reach the pedal…several books on top of it that kept falling off and creating major frustrations.
What is unique about your products?
My objective is to “paint” with fabric. Using lots of batiks and different shades, hues and values of colors to create images – some lifelike, some just fun and quirky. I love working with lush and bright colors in both my Art Quilts and Cross Stitch Rounds.
What has been your biggest challenge in developing your business?
A challenge for me is finding the time to create all the things I would like too, and, of course, finding that special someone who will buy them. And then there’s figuring out how to get the Shop more visibility.
What is your favorite feature on Etsy?
I really like lots of things about Etsy. The freedom to develop your own shop and show case your craft, the opportunity to connect with so many talented and wonderful people, artists and creators, the "FEST Team", the "Quiltsy Team" and the support one gets from colleagues. I just marvel and am totally in awe of all the amazing ideas and fabulous finds that are available here.
What other interests do you have?
All kinds of crafts…. I crochet, embroider, do needlepoint, bargello and just plain love working with my hands and creating things. Then there’s biking, reading, traveling, music and junking.
Where in Florida do you live?
I live in Englewood Florida (a transplant from Wisconsin) …just South of Sarasota in a small town off the beaten path that’s laid back and just Paradise on Earth. Our Manasota Key is zoned to preclude buildings over three stories. I love the Old Florida feel, the beach, the birds and the sea.
What are some other sites to find out more about you ?

What was you worst crafting disaster?
Oh, those dreaded buttonholes. How about getting them in on the wrong side of the jacket or fabric? Need I say more?
What animal would you like to be for a day?
It would have to be a dolphin. I love being near water, a puddle or an ocean. And gliding so gracefully, playing so joyously and skimming along with lots of mammal friends would be just a kick.
What makes you laugh?
I guess I really like to laugh but I’ve had the best belly laughs with gal pals and and I can still remember some of those fabulous, funny and oh so true to life scenes from “Sex and the City”!

Cindy's art is just a tropical paradise , perfect for floridian home decor! Every photo is a link to her shop, go and see it all!